Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Revitalize the Nations 2

                                        Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha


Revitalizing the nations calls for economic participation in economic processes by
everyone in the nations. This ensures that everyone has access to economic resources – jobs for those who seek to be employed by government and corporations as well as small businesses; mediated access to economic resources for those who want to be self-employed. It also includes raising the consciousness of people from begging and borrowing to feed to actual participation in economic processes.

No nation sustains on welfare to the poor and the poor also do not rise above poverty on welfare. They have to participate in economic processes. Ruth for instance gleaned from the farmlands of Boaz not because she preferred to glean. It was because Ruth and Naomi arrived in Bethlehem at harvest time and because they did not plant before then, Ruth took advantage of the welfare program of gleaning in the farmlands of other people rather than beg. Please read Ruth Chapters 1 to 4 for great insight.

Gleaning is not exactly welfare. It is giving the people who did not plant during planting seasons either because they were not in town during planting season or had no farmlands to plant on an opportunity to put food on their table. That way, they would not have to beg or be a burden to other people or the state.

Resource mobilization and management is strategic to revitalizing the nations economically especially where there are targeted development plans to bring in abundance. The nations would have to mobilize the right resources required for their national and personal development. Optimal resource management which includes judicious allocation of resources to the right places for development across board should also be factored into the resource mobilization process. This will ensure effective and efficient resource management. There is no point mobilizing resources if they would not be efficiently managed.

Infrastructure development is also required to manage the envisaged abundance profitably. For instance what Joseph did in Egypt before the abundant harvests of the seven years of plenty came is   a case in point. He put down relevant structures to accommodate the surplus harvest. The relevant questions the officials of the nations should be asking - What structures are in place so that the envisaged abundance does not go to waste?

Equity and Justice

Equity and justice in the land also includes judicious allocation of resources, giving voice to the voiceless, allowing economic participation for everyone in the economic process by ensuring that everyone has access to economic resources. Please read Nehemiah Chapter 5. The people who had lost their farmlands on account of indebtedness to the super rich had their farmlands restored to them so that they could return to their source of livelihood – farming.

Email: olivesfamily@yahoo.com





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