Sunday, November 27, 2016

The Place of Intercession in the Healing of the Nations

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

Intercession is not a one off event. It is an ongoing activity that you continue doing until the will of God is established (Isaiah Chapter 62 verses 6 to 9).

The basis of intercession is the word of God therefore every intercessor must know and understand the word of God and desire that the word of God takes root in the hearts of people so that their lives are transformed to Christ-likeness. Intercessors respond to situations according to the Word of God – God heals all diseases so they pray for healing. Jesus is the savior so they pray for people to be receptive to and surrendered to the Lordship of Jesus Christ, pray for Christians to mature in Christ Jesus.

Intercession is a work of the Holy Spirit therefore no one can lay claim to being an intercessor. This is because intercession is the work of the Holy Spirit and because the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Christ (Romans Chapter 8 verse 9), intercession is an ongoing work by both Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. Please see Romans Chapter 8 verses 34, 26 to 27, Hebrews Chapter 7 verse 25, and Isaiah Chapter 59 verse 19. He is the one who lifts a standard and that explains why intercessors have to keep asking God for mercy because only Christ who died for the redemption of man can actually condemn (Romans Chapter 8 verse 34a and if Christ who paid the supreme price for the redemption of man through the shameful death on the cross is always interceding and not condemning, we have absolutely no right to judge and condemn.  Rather, we should request grace from God to intercede because God wants all people to come to repentance and life in Christ Jesus. Please see Matthew Chapter 18 verses 11 to 14, 2nd Peter Chapter 3 verse 9, 1st Timothy Chapter 2 verses 1 to 6, James Chapter 5 verses 19 to 20, Jude 22 to 23, 1st John Chapter 5 verses 10 to 21.

Intercession should not be made for sin leading to death (2nd Timothy Chapter 4 verses 14 to 15, 1st Thessalonians Chapter 4 verse 8, Romans Chapter 8 verses 1 to 32, 2nd Thessalonians Chapter 2 verses 1 to 12, Hebrews Chapter 6 verses 1 to 8 and 2nd Peter Chapter 2 verses 1 to 25.

Intercession is interceding for the people of God. This means that prophets should not condemn the people of God. Rather, they should intercede. However, they can rebuke to correct in love as God speaks through them. Nevertheless, intercession appears to be a major task and responsibility of the prophet to the people of God – Abraham, Moses, and Jeremiah (Jeremiah Chapter 14)

Jesus Christ, the greatest intercessor that ever lives is also a prophet (John Chapter 7 verse 40, 6 verse 14). He was a prophet while on earth – Luke Chapter 24 verse 19. There is therefore a link between prophets, prophecy and intercession. Jesus Christ interceded for Peter – Luke Chapter 22 verses 31 to 32.

Daniel was an unusual prophet. He served When Daniel came to the understanding that the captivity of Israel was up, he commenced fervent intercession incorporating genuine repentance, fasting, pleas for restoration so the Israelites could be released from the land of captivity to their own land. God heard and brought speedy help to remove the opposition. It was the understanding Daniel had of the situation that made him turn to God in fasting and prayer for mercy to be delivered from captivity (Daniel Chapter 9 verses 1 to the end). Daniel prayed and God opened the doors for restoration as the exiles returned home to rebuild Jerusalem. Daniels’ responsibility to the people was high level intercession which was his divine assigned task.

Severally, God used Moses and Moses emerged as a teacher of the laws of God, a compassionate intercessor – he interceded for the people of Israel for forty days and forty nights (Deuteronomy Chapter 9 verses 25, 18, Exodus Chapter 32 verses 31 to 35, and Numbers Chapter 16 verses 41 to 50),

The prophet Jeremiah was already accustomed to hearing and distinguishing the voice of God coupled with promptly obeying God. Yet, he never underestimated prayer, especially praying the promises of God back to God (Jeremiah Chapter 22 verse 15). Also on three different occasions God asked Jeremiah to stop praying for the Israelites after God had decreed exile in Babylon for them on account of their unrepentant hearts. Jeremiah kept interceding, asking God for mercy in addition to daily pleading with the people to obey God.

Nehemiah could have chosen to remain the successful wine server to the king. But he preferred his homeland, no matter how terrible the fallen state it was in.  He requested God's help and returned to rebuild his fallen homeland with the favor and assistance of God. Please, see Nehemiah Chapter 1 verses 1 to the end. Nehemiah got all the resources he needed to rebuild Jerusalem through fervent intercession that birthed divine favor that ultimately released the resources from men who would otherwise never release them from captivity. Nehemiah confessed the sins of his ancestors and requested favor alongside other resources to accomplish the task of rebuilding Jerusalem.

Significantly, Paul labored in prayers for the salvation, spiritual growth and maturity of believers he ministered to (Galatians Chapter 4 verse 19, Ephesians Chapter 1 verses 16 to 23, Colossians Chapter 1 verses 19 to 20 and 1st Thessalonians Chapter 3 verses 9 to 13. He constantly prayed for the Churches he planted in Rome, his family of fellow believers in Rome. He travailed in prayers for Christ to be formed in the lives of the believers in Galatia, for them to mature in Christ and stop their frequent backsliding and recourse to idol worship and fables (Galatians Chapter 4 verse 19). He urged the believers in Thessaloniki to pray without ceasing – it is only a person who prays always that can advise other people to pray always because such a person knows the benefit of prayer (1st Thessalonians Chapter 5 verse 17, Ephesians Chapter 6 verse 6). In point of fact, Paul prayed fervently for every Church he planted and visited (Ephesians Chapter 1 verse 16, 3 verses 14 to 20, 2nd Thessalonians Chapter 1 verses 11 to 12).
Beloved, ask God for the grace to intercede for the healing of the nations. Intercession will bring about much healing to the nations and peoples of the world in Jesus mighty name.


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