Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Individual Repentance for Healing the Nations

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

Repentance is a change of mind, a change of heart, a change of course of life from sin to righteousness. Please see Luke Chapter 6 verse 44.  True repentance is manifested in a genuine turning away from sin, further demonstrated in a genuine hatred for sin. Please see Romans Chapter 12 verse 9, Psalm 119 verse 104, 2nd Corinthians Chapter 7 verse 10, Luke Chapter 22 verse 62, Proverbs Chapter 28 verse 13, Ezekiel Chapter 14 verse 6. A person who does not hate sin loves sin.  Unfortunately, many people give or make excuses for sin - Genesis Chapter 3 verse 13. When people make excuses for sin, the sin becomes a besetting sin. But when people acknowledge their sins and repent of them, they receive grace to completely turn away from the sin.  

Repentance is also reflected when a person bears the fruits of repentance. When Paul was converted there was a complete transformation; a u-turn from persecuting the Church to promoting the Church. He embraced the belief that he vehemently rejected.  Consequently, the same people who admired him and employed him became his persecutors who wanted to kill him. Please see Please see Acts Chapter 8 verses 1 to 4, and Acts Chapter 9. Paul was a student of law under Gamaliel but Paul became the leading Apostle of the Christian faith after repentance.

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Sacrifice the Palace to Heal Nations 2

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

Pharaoh recognized Moses’ power and influence with God. On a number of occasions, Pharaoh pleaded with Moses to intercede for him and his people. Moses did and the plagues were stayed. Please see Exodus Chapters 8 verses 1 to 13, 20 to 31; 9 verses 20 to 33; 10 verses 12 to 19. Even the Israelites recognized Moses’ power and influence with God. Severally, they asked Moses to speak with God on their behalf. Please see Numbers Chapter 21 verses 4 to 9.

But most significantly was when they said Moses should always go before God to them after an encounter with God that intimidated them. Please see Exodus Chapters 19 verses 1 to 25, and 20 verses 1 to 26.  Moses indeed had great power and influence with God. Severally he interceded for the Israelites and God listened. But for the fervent intercession of Moses for Israel, who knows, the nation of Israel would have become extinct in the wilderness as they journeyed to Canaan. Please see Exodus Chapter 32 verses 1 to 14, 30 to 35, Numbers Chapter 11 verses 1 to 3, 14 verses 5 to 20, 20 verses 1 to 7, Deuteronomy Chapter 9, 10 verse 10.

Moses had open heavens with God and always experienced open heavens. The gates and windows of heaven, I mean both access to the throne room of God as well as  access to heavenly resources were all his for the asking. God spoke with Moses as a friend; gave explanations for what He had to do and even what He would not do. Please see Exodus Chapters 32 verses 30 to 35; 33 verses 11 to 23. God revealed Himself to Moses. Please see Exodus Chapter 34 verses 5 to 10.

The grace and glory of God upon Moses was great. Moses’ face so shone with the glory of God after spending quality time with God that the people of Israel could not look him straight in the face. Moses had to wear a veil. Please see Exodus Chapter 34 verses 28 to 35, 2nd Corinthians Chapter 3 verse 13. The glory of God comes with spending quality time in the presence of God through word study, fasting, praise/worship, adoration, evangelism, intercession and whatever it is God wants you to do. The glory of God in the life of anyone is precious. This is because the glory of God is not only priceless; it is highly attractive and draws men as well as other resources to a carrier of the glory of God. Please see Isaiah Chapter 60 verses 1 to 22, Haggai Chapter 2 verses 1 to 9 and Isaiah Chapter 62 verses 1 to 4.

Sacrifice the Palace to Heal Nations 1

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

The palace is a place of comfort, luxury, power, influence, royalty, dignity and wealth. A number of comforts, power and influence usually accrue to those who dwell in palaces especially members of the royalty. This perhaps explains the quest for ascension to royalty especially in communities where ascension to the throne is not hereditary. And for those who are already royals, giving up the throne is usually a very difficult choice to make especially when a person is not certain of what the future holds.

The Lord Jesus Christ left His heavenly throne and comforts to save humanity. In like manner, the call of God may make a person sacrifice what appears to be something of great worth which could range from positions of supposedly great glory, honor, power, wealth and influence sometimes in the secular world and even in the Church. A Christian may be deeply involved in positions of power in the Church but may be called to something higher and more glorious by God. Sometimes, people resist such higher calls as they wonder what else could be more glorious than the present positions they occupy in a local Church. Beloved; that supposed position may water down the grace and unction of God in your life.

Moses sacrificed the palace of Egypt and became not only the national leader of Israel but a celebrated Christian leader globally and generationally.   Globally and at about every point in time, the name of Moses rings a bell, in point of fact, a great bell. In addition to this, the Bible describes Moses as a prophet who was faithful in God’s entire house.  Significantly, God spoke to Moses face to face in plain terms and not through dreams and visions. Also, Moses saw the form of the Lord. Please see Numbers Chapter 12 verses 6 to 8, Exodus Chapter 33 verse 11 and Deuteronomy Chapter 24 verse 10.

Severally God fought for Moses. God chastised Aaron and afflicted Miriam, the elder siblings of Moses because they spoke against Moses. Please see Numbers Chapter 12 verses 1 to 16. The three rebel leaders, Korah, Dathan and Abiram, significantly were fellow Levites but they were destroyed alongside their supporters because they rose up against Moses. While the earth opened up and swallowed the trio and their households, the Bible records that a fire came out from the LORD and consumed the two hundred and fifty men who teamed up with Korah, Dathan and Abiram in their rebellion against Moses.

The Essence of Judgmental Prophecies

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

Judgmental prophecies are prophecies that pronounce judgment and doom as a result of the disobedience of an individual, family, community, Church, institutions and nations. They are however not a regular occurrence. God does not delight in pronouncing judgment on His people. Rather He blesses His people on a daily basis.  The essence of judgmental prophecies is to cause the people of God to repent and to turn away from their sins back to God. God does this because of His love and compassion for the people. Please see 2nd Chronicles Chapter 36 verse 15, Jonah Chapter 4 verses 2 to 3, 11.

Most often, God averts judgment especially when people repent as the Word of God comes forth. Ahab repented when he received a judgmental prophecy after killing Naboth to take over his vineyard (1st Kings Chapter 21). Though Ahab eventually died on account of other sins, it is significant to note that as much as possible, God always wants to avert judgment which explains why He uses His prophets to warn His people and nations of the impending consequences of their sinful actions. It is sad that most often, people and nations do not pay attention to God but choose to walk in their own ways. The case of the city of Nineveh is significant. As the Prophet Jonah spoke of the impending doom that would befall Nineveh on account of their sins, the Bible records that the nation led by the King repented in dust and ashes. God rescinded judgment and the people were spared.

The people of Israel and Judah as well as the land suffered the consequences of their sins and persistent refusal to turn away from their sinful ways back to God. Consequently, Nebuchadnezzar humiliated them and burnt the beautiful temple built by Solomon, carted away the precious articles of gold and silver. God allowed this because He had warned them severally. Additionally, the leadership of the people including priests and prophets were defiling the temple with the abominable idolatrous practices of the nations around them (2nd Chronicles Chapter 36 verse 14, Ezekiel Chapter 8) and had hardened their hearts against any rebuke from the LORD. Rather than be convicted and repent, they mocked the messengers of God, despised His words and scoffed at His prophets (2nd Chronicles Chapter 36 verse 16).

Thursday, August 17, 2017

His Grace

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

Amazing, Abounding, yet free
Yours for the taking
If only you will stretch out your hands
And put them in His
As He leads and guides you
In the ancient paths of
Justice, love, holiness
Paid for by Jesus Christ.
Not for me.
I have all it takes
Money, beauty, great intellect
What else can anyone ask for?
I do not drink, smoke, or fornicate
I do not tell lies, cheat or defraud
Great but you need grace
The grace of God
For salvation by faith and freedom from SIN
Surrender it all TODAY and enjoy GRACE
The great work of God.

Possess the Gates of Your Enemies

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha The Bible records that the siblings of Rebekah blessed her and prayed that her descendants woul...