Monday, March 19, 2018

Prophetic Declarations and Actions

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

Prophetic declarations and actions are divine activities prompted and directed by the Holy Spirit to achieve divine purposes that bring glory to God. A number of Biblical examples attest to this. Significantly, about every prophetic declaration and action births miracles which bring about deliverance, healing, financial breakthroughs, salvation, expansion, abundance and victory in warfare.

Prophetic declarations as well as prophetic actions are proactive measures, preparatory activities to breakthroughs and miracles. For example, ‘Rise, take up your bed and walk’. They are usually specific, easy to understand instructions and when obeyed often bring about instant results (fill up the water pots with water and the water became very sweet wine; the man who had been ill for thirty eight years who became whole after Jesus made the pronouncement) though in some cases, results are progressive or set to a particular timeline, for instance the birth and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

They may not sound reasonable, logical, and plausible but they usually hold the very much required key to the sometimes urgently desired, awaited, and longed for miracle or blessing. They may not even have a connection to the desired miracle, for instance how do you speak to or make a rock to produce water? How does a cripple or paralytic person rise to take up a bed s/he has always laid on when the ailment is still there? How does the filling up of water pots with water solve the issue of finished wine at a wedding ceremony? How does dipping in a river seven times cleanse leprosy? How does going to show oneself to a priest when one is still leprous translate to cleansing from leprosy? How does borrowing jars and filling them up with a little jar of oil translate to financial freedom?

Prophetic declarations most often do not make sense. Elisha was told that he would receive double portion unction if he saw Elijah being taken up to glory. That was exactly what happened.

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Women in Nation Building

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

Women are relevant to God in diverse ways. This is because God also uses women as vessels of honor in nation building as well as healing the nations. However, for any woman to be relevant in God’s scheme of affairs, that woman has to be relevant to God in His own ways and timing. Significantly, you and I can become such women, vessels in the hands of God for nation building and healing the nations. How, you may ask? By possibly taking a cue from some of the women of relevance in the Bible; the women who were strategically positioned to fulfill purpose so that you and I are relevant in nation building and healing the nations as the world celebrates Mother’s Day on Sunday, 11th March 2018..

By being Prayerful

Prophetess Anna was both prayerful and kingdom minded. After being widowed at an early age, Prophetess Anna spent her entire life working with God for the manifestation of God’s plans and purposes for humanity. She did this faithfully for about seventy years. After setting her eyes on the Lord Jesus Christ, she willingly departed the earth for greater glories. Please see Luke Chapter 2 verses 36 to 37. Other women who were prayerful and in the process birthed divine destinies include Hannah the mother of Prophet Samuel, the mother of John Mark whose house was a house of prayer where constant prayer was made for Peter and he escaped the death trap of King Herod who killed believers for the fun of it. These women prayed down God’s plans and purposes. They were not asking God for the latest designs from the luxury designers of the world; neither were they asking for luxury homes. They were concerned with the will of God and were praying down the will of God, warring in the heavenlies against forces opposed to the will of God for humanity and His saints.

Possess the Gates of Your Enemies

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha The Bible records that the siblings of Rebekah blessed her and prayed that her descendants woul...