Thursday, November 22, 2018

Big Dreams, Great Visions, PROPHESY to Heal the Nations 1

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

Dreams and visions which are born of God and based on the word of God and also rooted in God are elastic. They can be stretched to whatever dimensions God wants them stretched to. Please read Genesis Chapter 13 verses 14 to 15 (as far as you can see); Isaiah Chapter 54 verses 2 to 3; Genesis Chapter 28 verses 13 to 15; Deuteronomy Chapter 33 verse 23; Joshua Chapter 17 verses 16 to 18.

Abraham’s Vision

Visualize the scope, expand your horizon, stretch your imagination.

Abraham’s vision was occasioned by the words God spoke to him – the journey to the land of promise coupled with the blessings attached to the obedience to that move from Haran. Abram alongside his father and other family members had embarked on the journey to Canaan but stopped at Haran where Abram eventually settled. Please read Genesis Chapter 11 verses 27 to 32. But at the appointed time, God spoke to Abram concerning moving permanently to Canaan in Genesis Chapter 12 verses 1 to 8. Significant and quite instructive is that Abram obeyed God and commenced movement to Canaan immediately. But the parts of Canaan Abram arrived at were not uninhabited land.

The Bible records that the Canaanites were there in the land yet God made Abram another promise the moment Abram set foot in Canaan – the promise to give to the descendants of Abram the land of Canaan. Please see verses 5 to 9. Herein is the crux of the matter. Abram had no biological children at the time God made him the promise of giving the land of Canaan to his descendants. Secondly, Abram had just set foot in Canaan and did not own any portion of the land of Canaan. Yet God spoke of complete ownership of the land by his descendants. The Bible records that despite these deficits – no children, no ownership of the land; Abram believed God and God Who always rewards faith expanded Abram’s vision of the land of Canaan beyond the portion he set foot on and lived in. God instructed Abram to visualize the scope of the land of Canaan to be owned by him and his descendants by looking from where he was in all directions – northwards, southwards, eastwards and westwards to have an idea of the geographical scope of the land. Please see Genesis Chapter 13 verses 12 to 18. Abram was further instructed to walk through the length and breadth of the land; the land owned by the Canaanites and occupied by the Canaanites at that point in time.

Abram obeyed divine instructions lived in the land but significantly always built an altar to the Lord after such significant encounters with the Lord. Halleluyah! Abram’s title deed to the land of Canaan was the word of God. This was the original title deed and the spiritual or divine title deed birthed the physical title deed given by man. Significantly, spiritual title deeds issued by God cannot be destroyed by anyone, circumstances, institutions because divine spiritual title deeds are backed by the words of God and the words of God do not return to God without accomplishing the divine purpose of God. Please read Isaiah Chapter 55 verses 8 to 11, Numbers Chapter 23 verse 19. 

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