Sunday, November 25, 2018

Big Dreams, Great Visions, PROPHESY to Heal the Nations 2

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha
Isaiah’s Vision

Prior to the encounter with God after the death of King Uzziah, Isaiah’s vision of God was blurred. So also was his ministry as it centered around the court. Additionally, Isaiah was probably a self righteous person who did not realize that he was a man of unclean lips who lived among a people of unclean lips – people who had no fear of God and carried on as if the Holy God of Israel did not see their evil. But all that came to an end when Isaiah saw the Lord significantly so after the death of Uzziah.

Isaiah’s vision of the Holy God of Israel surrounded by indescribable light and angels opened Isaiah’s eyes and understanding to the dimension of the great filth he and his people were in. Isaiah was both awed and afraid – a filthy sinner like him had encountered holiness and pure light. Significantly and this is quite instructive, Isaiah acknowledged his filthiness before the Holy God. Subsequently, his unclean lips were purged and cleansed of iniquity so that those same lips; cleansed and sanctified for the Master’s use could be deployed for kingdom purposes.

Thereafter, Isaiah volunteered to be the messenger of the Lord; willing to take the message of the Lord; undiluted to whoever and wherever God wanted the message taken to. Please read verses 8 to 9. The hitherto awed to fear unclean Isaiah, purged and clean held conversations with God on the content of the message to be delivered particularly on the length of time it would take  for the message to manifest. Please read verses 11 to 13. Beloved, anyone can be used of God no matter how filthy the past a person is coming from. The filth and all its grime and soot can be washed clean and erased completely by the blood of Jesus Christ so that the person can become a brand new creature, a brand plucked from the fire like Joshua the High Priest of Israel. Please read Zechariah Chapter 3.

Saul of Tarsus was working at cross purposes with God, significantly quite convinced that he was working for God. But unknown to him, he was consumed by a zeal that was without the true knowledge of God; he was walking in and working for self righteousness; poles apart from the righteousness of God. When Saul encountered God in the heavenly vision enroute to Damascus to persecute Christians, the ugly blinding scales of self righteousness fell off his eyes and he became a brand new man full of fresh fire; fresh perspective and understanding of the plans and purposes of God for humanity and himself. Please read Acts Chapter 9.

While visions and dreams differ, the big question is always, who will birth and run with the vision. Isaiah volunteered to go for God. How about you? What visions or dreams have been impressed upon your heart and you are reluctant tp take a decision. Now is the appointed time for you to be favored as you birth and run with the vision just as Isaiah did. Shalom and God bless you.

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