Sunday, November 18, 2018


Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

“But when it pleased God, who separated me from my mother's womb, and called [me] by his grace, To reveal his Son in me, that I might preach him among the heathen; immediately I conferred not with flesh and blood” Galatians Chapter verses 15 and 16.
 “But unto every one of us is given grace according to the measure of the gift of Christ. Ephesians Chapter 4 verse 7.”

The grace of God which is always sufficient also empowers the recipients’ of God’s grace to live holy and sanctified lives. The principles for living holy lives are not in the stratosphere. They are in the word of God, which a diligent search will give to you and the grace of God will empower to live holy to the glory of God. Ask God for the grace today.

God invested His grace in Paul and that grace was not in vain. It was used for the plans and purposes of God to glorify the name of God. Please see 1st Corinthians Chapter 15 verses 1 to 11. The Apostle Paul abounded in grace. The grace of God in your life should be used to advance the kingdom of God. Ministry is about labor – the grace of God in your life is to enable you to labor in the kingdom of God and for the kingdom of God; for the establishment of His plans and purposes.

Do you really deserve such love and uncommon favor, bought with the precious blood of Jesus Christ, so that you will be free of all the ills the enemy threw at you? If yes, then take advantage of the great grace of God to you. The unmerited favor of God to you should never be taken for granted. God in His infinite mercy chose to grant you grace in spite of your trespasses. This grace is sufficient for everything you could ever ask for in life. 

The future you seek is guaranteed through the grace of God. All you need to do is to tap into the great grace of God and it is smooth sailing in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. There is grace in the house of God, in fact, great grace with which God will make you who He created you to be if only you will surrender it all as Jesus did on the cross. Your cross is total obedience to God and not death on a cross. Are you ready to do so?

This is the day that the Lord has made. It is the day of great grace, abounding grace that saves, sanctifies and justifies to remove all satanic limits from your life. Take advantage of the great grace of God to become who God created you to be.

God Who created you and planted you where you are did so; so that you will experience His manifold grace. Preach the gospel in season and out of season. The grace of God is sufficient for you to do so. The Holy Spirit empowers believers to preach the gospel with boldness - Acts Chapter 4 verse 33, 2 verse 4, 14, 4 verse 31, 3 verse 12.

Receive the manifold grace of God in your life today as you take a quality decision to preach the gospel of salvation. God bless, enrich and enlarge your coast as you preach the gospel to bring healing to the peoples and nations of the world in Jesus mighty name. He will surely meet you at your every point of need and make you rooted in Christ Jesus to the glory of His holy name. God bless you. 

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