Thursday, November 22, 2018

Writing to Heal the Nations

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

Writers are divinely designed to bring God’s love, healing and transformation to nations and peoples. The place of writers in healing the nations is significant as writers ordained by God to heal the nations with their writings are divinely tasked to write to impact humanity positively. The prophet Jeremiah wrote to instruct the Israelites to obey God, ignore the false prophets and the lies they told. Jeremiah encouraged the people to go to exile in Babylon and be fruitful while in exile. He also told them that exile in Babylon was not permanent as God would set them free and bring them back to Jerusalem after seventy years. The basis of Jeremiah’s prophecy, documented informed Daniel’s intercession for the release of Israel from Babylonian captivity. Please read Daniel Chapter 9 verses 1 to 5, and Jeremiah Chapter 29.  The Apostle Paul, John the Beloved, Moses and Habakkuk wrote to instruct believers and nations on how to live holy lives that would ensure peace and development in the nations. John the Beloved was instructed to write his visions in book for onward transmission to the seven Churches in Asia. Please read,  Revelation Chapter  1 verses 10 to 20, please note verses 11 and 19; Habakkuk Chapter 2 verses 1 to 3, Luke Chapter 1 verses 1 to 4, Acts Chapter 1 verses 1 to 20, Jude 3, 1st Corinthians Chapter 10 verses 1 to 11.

This implies that God uses writing as a tool to fulfill divine purpose and impact lives. Therefore, writing to impact lives positively in order to improve and enhance the quality of lives of people to bring about positive transformation in their lives as well as be a blessing to humanity is great writing that should be hugely encouraged. This is because the benefits of such writing are immense. To start with, your writing enriches the mental processes of your constituency as they engage with the life transforming words, issues and subjects written about. Their enriched mental processes birth divine ideas which are again filtered through other quality life transforming books they mentally engage with or even produce.

Beloved, does your writing inspire, motivate people to rise up to their divine potentials and heights in life? Does your writing encourage people out of depression, stir them to challenge whatever limits them or is trying to put limits on them so that they can be who God created them to be? Does your writing provide guidance, direction, to guide people in the paths of righteousness and holy living? Does your writing inspire confidence and faith in God so that people believe and trust in God and subsequently have confidence in themselves based on their understanding of God’s love to them; God’s divine deposits in them to excel and soar?

There is a huge difference between writing to make a name, to make money and to impact lives. When you write to make a name, your goal is to make a name, be listed and celebrated as a writer. This is irrespective of the fact as to whether or not your book made an impact on humanity; or whether or not it is relevant to holy living, influencing people positively or not. Your primary concern is write and be known, famous whether for notoriety or salacious materials or even criminality. You may even write on good issues but your primary motive for writing is to make a name and not even money. You just want to be known and be celebrated as a writer.

But writing to make money is a different ball game altogether. You are not even concerned about making a name. That is the least of your priorities. Your primary goal is to make money. So your content whether good or bad, whether it blesses humanity or not is irrelevant. What is important to you is that your content generates money irrespective of the fact that it contaminates and poisons the mental processes of people to all forms of negativity.

Beloved, such writing is not of God and should not be mentioned among people who fear God. Writing to slander, humiliate people, gossip people, pollute mental processes with salacious materials, forms of criminality do not bring about a positive development in society. Such writing should be discouraged.

Writing which culminates in the deaths of people, especially innocent people should be discouraged. Jezebel wrote to kill Naboth – 1st Kings Chapter 21 verses 7 to 16 in order to steal his vineyard. Similarly, King David wrote to kill Uriah in order to his sin of adultery with Bathsheba as well as take Bathsheba as wife after the death of Uriah. Please read 2nd Samuel Chapter 11 verses 14 to 27.

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