Thursday, June 27, 2019

Arise from Slumber 2

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

Valuable Lessons from Two Prostitutes – 1st Kings Chapter 3 verses 16 to 28

They were both prostitutes, the trade they chose for themselves.

They both lived in the same house where they probably practiced their trade. In the course of time, they both got pregnant and they both had sons – three days apart. The mother of the living baby was the first to have a child and three days later, her house or roommate also had a son. Great women, great job because they took to caring for their sons despite not having husbands or live in partners. Their love of motherhood and care for their sons is highly commendable.

However, both women had terrible weaknesses. They loved sleep, real deep sleep; probably the type of sleep described by the Psalmist in psalm 13 verse 3, and the writer of Proverbs in Proverbs Chapters 6 verses 4 to 10, 24 verses 30 to 34.

Unfortunately, this great love of sleep cost one of the prostitutes a great loss – the death of her son. She slept so deep that she lay on her son and crushed the baby to death with her weight. Beloved, sleep is refreshing and wonderful for anyone and much so for women who have just given birth so that their bodies can recuperate fast from the rigors of carrying the foetus for nine months; and the travail of childbirth as well as the accompanying blood loss. However, every woman has just given birth to a baby sleeps with one eye open and two ears wide open. Why? Because the baby needs care and could cry for food and attention at any point in time. Even women who share beds with their husbands do not travel in sleep because they have a baby to look after. But these two young women, alone with their babies really slept deep. You may say only one of them did, the one who lay on her baby. But I beg to disagree. The two of them slept deep. How?

The woman with the dead baby must have been startled out from sleep by whatever or she probably got tired of sleeping. But for whatever reason, she woke up in the middle of the night as narrated by the mother of the living baby who was fast asleep. Immediately the mother of the dead baby realized that she had crushed her son to death because of deep sleep, she became wide awake and quickly strategized. She exchanged the babies; her dead son for the living son of the first woman who was still fast asleep. And while these was happening, the first woman who is also the mother of the living baby was fast asleep. She did not hear a sound, not even the sound of her baby being moved from her side and a dead one dropped by her sides. Some sleep, if you ask me!

Beloved, my prayer is that God in His infinite mercy will deliver His children from the sleep which makes them unaware of the plans and activities of the enemy targeted at destroying them or creating havoc in their lives.

The second woman had lost a son while the first woman was about to lose her son. Fortunately, certain characteristics in the life of the first woman coupled with the wise and sound judgment by King Solomon saved her son and helped her.

The first woman was observant. She knew the specific features of her baby and thus knew that the dead baby was not hers. Otherwise, she would never have gone to the King. She would have taken the dead child as hers and resigned herself to fate. But the knowledge she had of her son’s physical features gained from careful observation made her go to the King. After probably arguing with the second woman to no avail, she took the matter to the King for judgment.

Secondly, the first woman had compassion and that was what eventually helped in deciding the case. The second woman did not care about who owned the living baby as she assented to the King’s decision to cut the living baby in two halves as the two women could each have a piece of the baby. But the first woman could not stand and watch her living baby cut in pieces; and eventual death. So she begged the King to give the living baby to the second woman who was adamant that the living baby should be cut in two. The King then realized that the first woman was the mother of the living baby and ruled that the baby be given to its real mother. God bless discerning King Solomon.

But there are apt lessons to be learnt from this story. It may be about prostitutes but there are life lessons worthy of anyone’s attention including nations. While sleep is good and needful, too much of it, too deep a sleep can result in great losses.

Arise from Slumber

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

Sleep is good. This is because the human body is divinely designed to rest, heal and rejuvenate during sleep, albeit quality sleeps devoid of worries, anxiety, fears and probably nightmares. However, too much sleep is not good for the body just as too little sleep or lack of sleep is not good for the body.

Significantly, sleep is not just physical. There is also spiritual sleep, a situation where a person goes to sleep spiritually. That is to say that you relax your spiritual oars, no Bible reading and study, no fervent prayers, no waiting on God, no praise and worship sessions, no evangelism, you are complacent, laid back, lackadaisical and non chalant about your Christian life and you even take sin for granted. Beloved, this is a dangerous spiritual state that if left to slide further can spell disaster.

The Bible records that a young man named Eutychus  was overcome by sleep and fell from the third story of the building to the ground floor. Quite instructive is the fact that Eutychus was at a deeply spiritual meeting – the Apostle Paul was leaving Troas for good the following day. So he decided to speak to the believers there as well as break bread with them. It was in the midst of this meeting that Eutychus chose to sleep and even as he sank into deep sleep, it did not occur to him to leave the window sill where he was sitting to a less dangerous place to sleep in; or better still, stand up and walk around to shake off the sleep. He slept on till sleep took the better part of him and he fell down dead.

Fortunately and to the glory of God, the Apostle Paul was used by God to minister life to him and he was brought back to life.

Beloved, spiritual sleep is dangerous and should not be toyed with. It is actually a satanic tool and trap with which the enemy plants thorns and thistles in the lives of the children of God. Please read Matthew Chapter 13 verses 24 to 30, Proverbs Chapters 24 verses 30 to 34, 6 verses 4 to 11, 10 verse 5. It is also the sleep of death, death to a new life in Christ Jesus. Please read Psalm 13 verse 3. It is a snare that should be avoided at all costs as it brings unpalatable consequences and is a harbinger of negative circumstances such as the great poverty which came upon the young man devoid of understanding in Proverbs chapter 24 who left his vineyard to go to seed because of his lack of control over sleep.

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Communicate Success to Heal the Nations

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

Avoid the use of negatives. As much as possible, use positives anytime you communicate whether it is verbal or non verbal communication. People generally flock to people who speak and act positively and; avoid people who speak and act negatively. That explains why motivational speakers and preachers attract large audiences. Nobody likes to hear or see negative things. Only people who enjoy negativity, people who do not see any bright side to life would want to see or hear that. However, it is significant to note that depressed people who hear and see positive things become transformed. This implies that positive communication brings about healing and positive transformation. Please see Proverbs Chapter 15 verse 30.

A person’s tone also communicates success.  A gentle tone for instance reflects the peace, love and compassion of God in the heart of a person. On the other hand, a harsh tone, to a large extent is a reflection of the inner turmoil of the heart – envy, anger, jealousy, bitterness, hatred, and refusal to forgive. Sarcasm is a manifestation of spite, envy, resentment, jealousy and hatred. It is intended to hurt, wound a person, group of persons, and organizations with words and tone. A sarcastic person never sees good in other people. Therefore s/he does not want the happiness of other people and will always deliberately choose sarcasm as a way of speech. Both words and tone reflect the anger and resentment in the person’s spirit and mind. Such people do not communicate success.

A vengeful and vindictive person is likely to always communicates judgment and evil from God because a vengeful and vindictive person always want people who have offended him or her to pay for what they done. Such people usually have no room in their hearts for forgiveness and letting go. Their communication often creates fear, worry and anxiety. On the other hand, e a very compassionate and forgiving person communicates mercy, forgiveness, grace, abundance, creativity and wealth; success, miracles and a healthy reverence and respect of and for God. Such communication frees up people to heal internally and externally in addition to help them become creative by the Spirit of God. It is not surprising that most judgmental people are vengeful and vindictive especially when they keep harping on judgment.

Thursday, June 13, 2019

The Power of His Name 3, Emmanuel God With Us

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

You can practically do anything spiritual, physical, intellectual, godly and legal when God is with you. God promised to be with Isaac in Gerar and in spite of the famine in the land, Isaac planted precious seed in a land afflicted by drought. He reaped bountiful harvests. Please read Genesis Chapter 26. Additionally, Isaac survived the envy of the Philistines against him. Despite claiming wells Isaac and his herdsmen had dug up as theirs, the Presence of God in the life of Isaac directed him and his herdsmen to where they could dig wells with water.

God promised to be with Moses when He commissioned Moses to go ask Pharaoh to release the children of Israel from Egypt. Please read Exodus Chapter 3 verses 1 to 12. When Moses complained about his inability to speak eloquently, God promised to also be with the mouth of Moses; to instruct him on what to say. And when Moses complained further, God promised to be with both the mouths of Moses and Aaron, the older brother of Moses. Please read Exodus Chapter 4 verses 10 to 16.

God was with Moses at all times in all of his negotiations with Pharaoh. Please read Exodus Chapters 3 verse 12. That explains why Moses scored many victories against Pharaoh. The awesome Presence of God that was always with Moses and his brother Aaron paved the way for each of the negotiations with Pharaoh.

Moses understood the power and essence of the presence of God in both his life and the people of Israel. That explains why Moses insisted on having the Presence of God go with them as they journeyed to the Promised Land. Please read Exodus Chapters 13 verses 21 to 22 and 33 verses 12 to 17.

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Do not Humiliate Other People

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

Humiliation especially in public can create deep seated anger and resentment in people. Consequently, they look for opportunities and platforms to get back at the people or person who humiliated them publicly. Absalom, the brother of Tamar took his time to get back at Amnon for humiliating his sister publicly by raping her. In due course, Absalom killed Amnon, his half brother. This led to a series of events which brought untold reproach and unhappiness in the family of the Biblical King David and by extension, the kingdom of Israel. Beloved, humiliation does not bring about healing in families, communities, Churches and nations. It takes great grace to ignore humiliation especially if the person humiliated has insight of the character traits and nature of people who take pleasure in humiliating other people.

A person who humiliates other people especially in public is most often; usually an insecure person with zero to little self confidence and self worth which explains why s/he takes delight in humiliating other people in public. Take for instance a CEO who becomes a CEO through unorthodox means and unfortunately does not know the rudiments of steering the organization, lacks direction and focus. S/he will daily pick holes in what other people are doing even if they are putting their best foot forward. This is because boss CEO is bereft of the information it takes to steer an organization, has no vision, no goal, no smart objectives and significantly has no timelines, no order, just anything goes. Such people take delight in picking holes in the works of other people just to humiliate them and not necessarily proffer solutions to whatever challenges they claim to be experiencing. When tasked to come up with solutions, they become confrontational, angry and blame other people for their inability to proffer solutions to anything. Rather than deal with their personal mental incapacitation and challenges, they seek refuge in humiliating other people, clamoring for respect. Sometimes they resort to threats and cheap blackmail as well as invectives and pathetically sometimes curses to intimidate people they think they rule over.

Possess the Gates of Your Enemies

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha The Bible records that the siblings of Rebekah blessed her and prayed that her descendants woul...