Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha
You restock your national, local and personal armory before embarking on a war. It is not when the war is on that you start preparing to buy additional ammunition. The worst mistake you can make while prosecuting a war is to run out of ammunition and men. Put your house in order before embarking on any war. Please read Luke Chapter 14 verses 28 to 32.
One of the ways to put your house in
order in the battle for the healing of the nations is to watch and pray always.
Please read Luke Chapter 21 verse 36, 18 verses 1 to 8. Do what you need to do
to win by daily asking God for help on your knees for victory. This calls for
intelligent plans which assess to evaluate so that you quickly restock your
armory. But if unfortunately, you are in deep slumber, you may either have to
wake up immediately or face the enemy without any ammunition.
Beloved, it is time to arise from
slumber. You have slept for too long and are on the verge of complacency. You
may wonder if there is a connection between complacency, mental stupor and
slumber. Yes, there is and that is one of the reasons individuals, families,
communities, institutions and nations labor in vain. Please read Psalm 132
verse 4, 121 verses 3 to 4, Proverbs Chapter 24 verse 33, 6 verse 4, 9 to 10.
One of the reasons labor can be in
vain is sleep. Sleep in this case may not necessarily be physical sleep but
spiritual and mental sleep. Please see Matthew Chapter 13 verses 24 to 25,
Proverbs Chapters 6 verses 4 to 11; 20 verse 13; 22 verses 29, 13; 24 verses 30
to 34, Psalm 13 verse 3, Acts Chapter 20 verses 9 to 10. Spiritual sleep is
progressive and if not curbed at the right time can progressively lead to
spiritual death.
Yet another consequence of slumber
is that watchmen become blind, ignorant, and dumb. They lack understanding,
walk in their own ways and for their own gain. Please read Isaiah Chapters 56
verses 10 to 12; 29 verses 9 to 11, Acts Chapter 20 verses 9 to 10, Proverbs
Chapters 6 verses 4 to 11; 24 verses 30 to 34; 20 verses 13; 19 verse 15, Psalm
13 verse 3, Ephesians Chapter 5 verse 14, Matthew Chapter 26 verses 37 to 46,
Luke Chapter 22 verses 4o to 45, Mark Chapter 14 verses 32 to 42.
Refuse to be stagnant. Stagnancy
breeds retrogression and debilitation. Consider that stagnant waters always
breed insects and other micro organisms that cause diseases. So also does
stagnancy in a person’s spiritual life breed spiritual diseases such as
backsliding from a fervent relationship with God to well I can cope; I can
handle it and gradually backsliding to the point where you begin to accommodate
sin, laugh at sin and gradually sin becomes a norm in your life.
Avoid backsliding (Galatians Chapter
5 verse 4). There is no middle point and no room for dormancy. Avoid backsliding by making conscious and
purposeful efforts to advance forward. A backslider is someone who had been
saved but turned back on Jesus. Backsliders are deserters – Galatians Chapter 1
verse 6. Sometimes, backsliding is as a result of incomplete salvation – they
have not fully surrendered their lives to Christ, their minds have not been
changed, for example Lot. Genesis Chapter 13 verses 12 to 13, 2nd
Timothy Chapter 2 verse 3. Though he walked closely with Abraham, he was still
worldly and at any point in time always reverted to the flesh.
Backsliders blame circumstances on
God and develop a root of bitterness to God. The love of this world – 2nd
Timothy Chapter 4 verse 10. Demas is an example. James Chapter 4 verse 4. Poor
Christian leadership – leaders who are living in sin – 1st
Corinthians Chapter 8 verse 9. The love of money – John Chapter 13 verse 29,
Hebrews Chapter 6 verses 4 to 8, 3 verse 12, Ephesians Chapter 5 verses 18, 3
verse 19.
Backsliders cannot bring healing to
the nations as they need to be healed of their backsliding before they can
become vessels of God’s healing unction to the nations. Beloved, are you in
deep slumber? It is time to overcome the spirit of slumber so that you can consciously
and purposefully press forward for the healing of the nations.
Email: olivesfamily@yahoo.com
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