Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Touch Not

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

You carry the divine nature of God (/2nd Peter Chapter 1 verse 4). You are the new temple of Christ, the new Holy of Holies, therefore you must keep your body holy so that you always have the seal of God in you. The seal of God upon you guarantees your inheritance in Christ Jesus according to 1st Peter Chapter verses 3 to 4. Your inheritance in Christ Jesus cannot be altered, corrupted, and defiled because it is reserved in heaven. Please read Ephesians Chapter 1 verse 12 to 14 (sealed and guaranteed inheritance for those who trust and believe in the gospel). The seal is placed by the Holy Ghost and speaks of security, it is definite, unchangeable, incorruptible, irremovable, and unalterable. The purpose of God’s seal is for divine protection – touch not. John Chapter 6 verse 27, Matthew Chapter 3 verse 16. Seal is a mark of ownership, protection and safeguard.

The Philistines carried the Ark of God in their hand and that Ark became a source of national, family and personal sorrow to them. Respite came for the Philistines when the Ark was returned.

Pharaoh and Abimelech took over Sarai, Abram’s wife and God afflicted them and members of their families and nations.

Achan took what he should not have taken and brought national disgrace, unnecessary and avoidable deaths of some of Israel’s soldiers; and eventually his own death alongside members of his family because he took what did not belong to him, what God forbade them from taking.

Beloved, the enemy may have afflicted you and the peoples of the nations with overwhelming challenges such as ailments which have defied medical science. Some ailments are satanically inflicted to torment, humiliate and oppress people, even animals, lands and natural resources in order to place limits on them. Please read Acts Chapter 5 verse 16 (the people who were tormented by unclean spirits – they received their healings), Acts Chapter 10 verse 38, Matthew Chapter 9 verses 20 to 22, Luke Chapter 8 verses 43 to 48, Mark Chapter 5 verses 25 to 34, the woman with the issue of blood and the Gadarene demoniac, the epileptic boy (Mark Chapter 9 verses 17 to 27, Luke Chapter 9 verses 38 to 43, the woman bent over (Luke Chapter 13 verses 11 to 16, Luke Chapter 4 verses 17 to 19, Isaiah Chapter 61 verses 1 to 3).

But the good news is that Jesus Christ deals with long standing issues; for instance the woman with the issue of blood; the woman bent over for eighteen years; the man at the pool of Bethsaida for eighteen years. The side of Jesus Christ was pierced for the healing of families – every contention, rebellion, infidelity was dealt with on the cross. His feet were pierced to give you progress and speed. Stagnation and frustration are therefore destroyed as they were nailed to the cross. His hands were pierced so that the works of your hands will always be blessed.


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