Thursday, December 17, 2020

Travailing for the Flock of Christ 2

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

The Early Church also travailed. They travailed for Peter who was on death row and was about to be killed by Herod. Peter was delivered and miraculously released from prison on the night before he was to be killed. Please read full details of this faith inspiring story in Acts Chapter 12.

Nehemiah – He travailed for the restoration of Israel to its former glory. Please see Nehemiah Chapter 1.

Daniel – for Israel in captivity to be restored to their homeland. Daniel Chapter 9.

Esther – travailed against the proposed annihilation of the Jews sponsored by Haman.

Anna travailed for the purposes of God for Israel and humanity – Luke Chapter 2 verses 36 to 38.

Prophet Samuel – He prayed for Israel and also agonized for King Saul. 1st Samuel Chapters 7, 8, 12 verses 18 to 23.

Prophet Jeremiah -   He interceded for the people severally in spite of God’s repeated instructions to Jeremiah not to intercede for the people (Jeremiah Chapters 7 verses 16 to 20, 14 verses 11 to 12 and 15 verse 1).

Prophet Ezekiel – Ezekiel Chapter 11 verses 1 to 13.

Prophet Habakkuk – He prayed for revival and mercy against the judgment of God on Israel. Habakkuk Chapter 3 verses 1 to 2.

King Jehoshaphat – 2nd Chronicles Chapter 20

King Hezekiah – 2nd Kings Chapter 19, 20, 2nd Chronicles Chapter 32, Isaiah Chapters 36 to 38, note verses 3 and 4 of 37 and link to Isaiah Chapter 66 verses 6 to 10.

To travail for the flock, you need the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of grace and supplication – Zechariah Chapters 12 verse 10, 4 verses 6 to 7, Romans Chapter 8 verses 26 to 28, Ephesians Chapter 6 verse 18, and Isaiah Chapter 59 verse 19. Beloved, ask God for that grace today and be one of those travailing for the healing of the nations. Shalom and God bless you.


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