Wednesday, December 30, 2020

The Ministry Office of the Prophet

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

It is the responsibility of the prophet to speak as directed by the Holy Spirit. What happens next is God’s. Your duty is to obey God and speak as directed. You speak whatever message you are given by God to speak to His people.

A prophet calls into being the perfect will of God speaking the specific word of God that s/he is instructed, directed and commanded to speak to that situation. Ezekiel gave hope to the nation of Israel who had lost hope and confidence in themselves as a people and a nation; speaking the exact words God asked him to speak. Please read Ezekiel Chapter 37 verses 1 to 14.

A prophet spends quality time with God in word study, prayers, praise, worship and adoration. A prophet feeds, feeds fat on the word of God. Please read Revelation Chapter 10 about John the Beloved, Ezekiel Chapter2 2 verses 8 to 10, 3 verses 1 to 11. A prophet has a rich deposit of the word of God in his or her mind and mental processes; that way, a prophet to a large extent knows the mind of God on any issue (because God does not contradict His word – Colossians Chapter 3 verses 15 to 17, Hebrews Chapter 1 verses 1 to 3, John Chapters 1 verses 1 to 18, 14 verses 1 to 14.

God is the only One who establishes a person as a prophet of the Lord – 1st Samuel Chapter 3 verses 19 to 22. It is also significant to note that God revealed himself to Samuel the prophet by the word of the Lord. This is very instructive to judging prophecy as well as true ministers of God. Please read Isaiah chapter 8 verses 19 to 20, 2nd Corinthians Chapter 14 verses 3 to 6, 24 to 33.

Understanding your calling as a prophet unto the nations is pivotal to your success in bringing God’s healing unction to the nations. This is because even as a prophet, your knowledge is limited. You can only prophesy what God asks you to prophesy. Samuel was almost carried away by the external features of the sons of Jesse.

A prophet should be a person of untainted lips, a person who speaks the truth at all times. Please read Isaiah Chapter 6 verses 1 to 8, Psalm 15 verses 1 to 6.

A prophet communicates – oral, written, body language, to express the mind, thoughts and will of God for His people. Jeremiah, Isaiah, Ezekiel and John the Beloved did so in the Bible. Oral communication is currently documented in audio formats such as MP3 using online platforms like podcasting and even video platforms such as YouTube et al. Other platforms for spreading the prophecy include writing books in all formats, social media platforms to disseminate the message, intercession to bring about the manifestation of the message – Daniel, Elijah.

Are you a prophet in the body, blessed with the ministry office of the prophet? It is time to manifest; SPEAK TO THE NATIONS. SPEAK GOD’S HEALING UNCTION TO THE NATIONS. Speak the word in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up. The Prophet Elisha was a speaking prophet. He spoke more, giving instructions that were actually the solutions to the problems the people presented. The prophet Elisha always gave instructions – 2nd Kings Chapter 2 verses 16 to 22; 3 verses 15 to 20; 4 verses 1 to 7, 38 to 44, 5 verses 10 to 19; 6 verses 1 to 7, 14 to 23.

Some other prophets such as Jeremiah, Ezekiel and Isaiah documented prophecies in writing. In point of fact, Jeremiah’ s prophecy concerning the return of the Israelites from Babylonian exile as well as the restoration of Jerusalem stirred up deep intercessory prayers for the manifestation of this prophecy by Daniel.

Focus on the throne of God and deploy whatever formats God lays in your heart to accomplish the purpose and plans of God for the nations through you,  do what will please God and bring glory to Him. God bless you in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Shalom.


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