Tuesday, December 29, 2020

The Place of Prayer in Shepherding the Flock of Christ 2

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

To tend the sheep is to manage the adults who are the sheep to conform to Christ and not you; because you do not own the sheep. You are only a caretaker of the sheep. You tend through prayers, counselling, provision, care, and visitation. Please read John Chapter 21 verses 15 to 17, Ezekiel Chapter 34, Psalm 23, John Chapter 10 verses 1 to 18, 1st Peter Chapter 5 verses 1 to 4, 1st Timothy Chapter 2 verse 8.

Types of Flock

The missing sheep – missing because they wandered away, because they walked in their own ways, lacked directions, were ignorant, or wilfully disobeyed the Shepherd

The Lost Sheep

The parables of the lost sheep, the lost coin as well as the prodigal son illustrate Jesus’ concern for the lost sheep. Jesus came to seek and save the lost - Luke Chapter 19 verse 10. Please see also Ezekiel Chapter 34. Jesus came to call sinners to repentance – Luke Chapters 5 verses 27 to 32, 15 verses 4 to 32, the conversion of Zacchaeus. Jesus’ travail at Gethsemane was not for the righteous but lost humanity; to reconcile man back to God; Daniel for lost Israel; Nehemiah for lost Israel; Apostle Paul for vacillating sheep, flock who could be lost.

 Therefore, zero in on the lost sheep to restore them to the fold and fellowship – Ezekiel Chapter 34 verses 1 to 31, note verse 16. Please read Luke Chapter 19 verse 10, Daniel Chapter 9, Jeremiah Chapters 7 verses 16 to 21, 14 verses 11 to 22, and Ezekiel Chapter 11 verses 1 to 13, (ignorance and rebellion).

The Sick Sheep

These are those suffering from spiritual, physical and mental ailments. Some of the spiritual, mental and physical ailments listed in Isaiah Chapter 61 verses 1 to 3 and Luke Chapter 4 verse 18 are:

         The broken hearted

         The poor

         Those who mourn

         The captives

         Those who are bound                        

It is the responsibility of the shepherd to care for and administer healing and comfort to the sick sheep. Please read Psalm 23 verse 1, John Chapter 10 verses 1 to 11, Ezekiel Chapter 34, Luke Chapter 4 verse 18, Isaiah Chapter 61 verses 1 to 3 (the poor, the broken hearted, the captives, those who are bound, those who mourn – Luke Chapter 18 verses 19 to 14.

The about to be devoured sheep – James Chapter 5 verses 19 to 20, Luke Chapter 22 verses 31 to 34, 1st John Chapter 5 verses 14 to 17, Jude 22 to 23, 1st John Chapter 3 verse 8, Ezekiel Chapter 14 verses 14 to 20, Colossians Chapter 2 verses 13 to 15. Some biblical examples of the sheep that were about to be devoured by the enemy include:

         Apostle Peter – Luke Chapter 22 verses 31 to 34.

         The Israelites in the wilderness – Moses interceded for them.

         The Israelites in the land of Israel during the Old Testament. The Prophet Jeremiah severally interceded for them until God asked him to stop but he did not.

                     James Chapter 5 verses 19 to 20, 1st John Chapter 5 verses 14 to 17, Jude 22 to 23.

Focus on your work. The Lord is your Shepherd and you have everything you want. Please read Mark Chapter 16 verse 20, Isaiah Chapter 42 verse 13, 44 verse 26, John Chapter 21. God is committed to meeting all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus as long as you feed and tend His lambs just as He instructed Peter to do.

 Email: olivesfamily@yahoo.com





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