Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Touch Not 2

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

God also shields His children and the nations that are dependent on Him from the enemy and devourer through the blood of Jesus Christ. Each time the enemy brings accusations against them in the realm of the spirit, or stands on a legal ground against them, God raises the blood of Jesus Christ as a shield against the enemy. Please read Colossians Chapter 2 verses 13 to 14. The efficacy of the blood of Jesus is attested to severally in the Bible. Please read Exodus Chapter 11 verse 1, 12 verse 3, 12, 29, Matthew Chapter 26 verses 26 to 29,

The blood of Jesus Christ is God’s last card for every conflict in life. The blood of Jesus Christ is God’s ultimate mystery for resolving long standing issues. Every battle, every challenge responds respectfully to the authenticity and power of the blood of Jesus Christ.

The blood of Jesus is an instrument of triumph and victory in the life of a child of God. The blood of Jesus is also an instrument of destruction in the camp of the enemy. The blood of Jesus Christ was God’s last card to bring an end to the oppression of Pharaoh. The blood of Jesus Christ is God’s ultimate provision for war in Zion. The blood always accomplishes victory. It is God’s ultimate weapon for war in Zion, for the establishment of long awaited testimonies.  The children of Israel became too hot for the Egyptians and Pharaoh to handle. They practically drove the Israelites out of their land.

The God who does many things at the same time is your shield, Healer, Provider. He is the mighty God and He placed His mark of TOUCH NOT ON YOU TO DO YOU GOOD. He is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that you could ever ask or think of.

By His stripes, you are healed. You are wealthy because your father is rich. The devil does not know everything. Only God, the El-Shaddai, the great I AM THAT I AM knows everything – 1st Corinthians Chapter 2 verse 1 and He always gives a beautiful end to every story – 1st Kings Chapter 8 verse 68, Matthew Chapter 13 verse 1. God is I am already. God is everything. If you name the blessings you desire from Him, He becomes those blessings to you and your nation.  Hebrews Chapter 11 verse 6. God takes decisions without consulting anyone.  

You will recover speed in Jesus mighty name because God will restore you and your nation in multiples.

You and your nation will be in great demand globally.

Go ahead and implement multiple projects; make the valley full of ditches, not a ditch, (2nd Kings Chapter 3 verses 16 to 18).

Increase abundantly on all sides in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Job Chapters 8 verse 7, 42 verses 7 to 17. Increase the seeds you plant in order to enlarge your coasts (2nd Corinthians Chapter 8, Proverbs Chapter 11 verses 24 to 25).  Plant seeds of love, kindness, compassion, forgiveness, prayers, care.

Your children will become billionaires and trillionaires by the power of God.

You will enjoy the labor of your hands – Psalm 128 verses 1 to 4, Isaiah Chapter 65 verses 21b, Acts Chapter 14 verse 17. Leviticus Chapter

Weeping may endure for a night but joy comes in the morning.

God bless you and expand you and your nation on all sides in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Shalom.



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Possess the Gates of Your Enemies

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