Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Release the Power in the Word 3

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

Jesus Christ did not shoot a single bullet. He did not call for a revolution. He did not lead a crowd of ragtag rebels yet He impacted the lives of multitudes of people. The people were transformed by the teachings of Jesus Christ. Willingly, they followed Jesus and abandoned the old ways which held them captive. The teachings of Jesus Christ liberated them from the lies and manipulative teachings of the religious leaders of the day which held them bound to traditions which had no relevance to the love, mercy and compassion of God for His people.

The teaching of the Prophet Zechariah propelled the people of Judah to rebuild the temple of God. Additionally, the teaching ensured a renewed confidence in God and His power to always make impossibilities possibilities. Also, the deflated self-esteem of the people was rekindled and blown to great heights. This was because Zechariah’s teachings based on the word of God reminded the people aware of who they were; a special people of God designed for great works. With their self-esteem rebuilt and enhanced, they soared and excelled at the divine tasks assigned to them. They also prospered because God was with them and He blessed everything they set their hands to do.

As leaders in families, communities, institutions and nations, you should speak powerful words as instructed by the Holy Spirit so you can change the mindsets of people from darkness to the light of Christ in order to bring God’s healing and deliverance to the nations in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. As you speak positive words by the Spirit of God over the people you lead, great transformation will take place in their lives by the Spirit of God.

But if you consistently place restrictions and limitations on the people you lead through the teachings you pass on to the people occasioned by a tunnel vision which you have; the people will be in darkness and bondage especially so when you employ the tools of manipulation by pitting people against each other through flattery, threats of not being blessed by God if people do not do your bidding. This is as good as cursing people as you are not releasing the word of God and the power of the word to the people. Beloved, bless the people and the nations with the word of God in your mouth to bring healing and transformation.

Otherwise, if they have the opportunity of sitting under a leadership which speaks powerful words by the Spirit of God, they experience freedom and deliverance; in point of fact, great freedom to soar, to be the best of who God wants them to be. This is because they are able to shake off the restrictions and limitations placed on them on account of the teachings which held them bound. Additionally, if you use emotional blackmail to personal advantage so the people are compelled to do your bidding and not God’s bidding for their lives, then freedom and deliverance has come to the people.  This is because they immediately empty themselves of such non edifying spiritual and emotional baggage. They also experience great freedom as they take on the word of God, apply the word of God in their lives and become who and what God wants them to be. More importantly, they will not want to have anything to do with you. Therefore, speak as God would have you speak and bless the people and the nations. Shalom

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