Thursday, December 19, 2019

God is Restoring the Nations 2

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

Restoration, repentance, holy living, prosperity, Jeremiah, Ezra, Haggai, Zechariah, nations, peoples, families, individuals, communities can be healed and restored if people return to God, repent of their sins and focus on what God wants them to do in life.

In the absence of knowledge, darkness prevails. Darkness is death; loss, problems, challenges, lacking understanding, falsehood, sorrow and pain. Darkness limits, restricts, imprisons, and is a precursor to bitter labor, unprofitable labor, forced labor, wandering and instability. In situations of darkness, people do things because people are doing things that way irrespective of whether what they are doing is right or not. Darkness wins when the knowledge of God is not there. Unfortunately, a number of nations and a great number of peoples are living in darkness, darkness borne out of ignorance of God and the knowledge of the Word of God. Such ignorance breeds rebellion against the word of God, depisement of the counsel of the most High God as well as outright rejection of God. Psalm 107 verse 11. This is what the Bible refers to as spiritual blindness.

However, when knowledge is present, the true knowledge of God and His word, darkness disappears. This implies that one of the ways God heals nations is to take the veil of spiritual blindness out of the eyes of the spiritually blind so that they can see Jesus and His glorious light for the healing of the nations. It is called the opening of the eyes of the blind. Please see Psalm 146 verse 8, Luke Chapters 4 verse 18, 24 verses 31, 45, Isaiah Chapters 35 verses 4 to 5, 42 verses 1 to 7, 16, 29 verse 18, 9 verse 2, 2 verse 5; John Chapters 1 verses 1 to 9, 12 verses 35 to 36, 46, 8 verse 12, 10 verse 21; Matthew Chapter 4 verses 13 to 16, Micah Chapter 7 verse 8.

Beloved, I pray that as God is restoring the nations and peoples of the world, that God Who commandeth light out of darkness will command you and your generations out of any darkness you are in; out of any shame, satanic manipulations and what have you. Please see 1st Samuel Chapter 1 verse 19. God knows your name, where you live and the circumstances that afflict you. Please see Joel Chapter 2 verse 25.  He will command His light to shine through to you and give you illumination, to guide your feet in the way of peace and to bring revelation to you. Please read Luke Chapters 1 verse 79, 2 verse 32Matthew Chapter 4 verse 16, Isaiah Chapters 9 verse 2, 60 verse 3 and Acts Chapter 26 verses 17 to 18.

It is also my prayer that God will help you, members of your family, the peoples and nations around you to take the initiative to find out the truth about you and any situation that troubles you with the word of God. This is because you will always be in charge by the Spirit of God and experience multiple restoration the moment you have an abundance of the word of God.

One of the reasons for being in darkness and in the shadow of death is the depth of ignorance where the word of God is concerned and because of that there has been a lot of confusion because the knowledge of the truth of the word of God is inadequate. But now that God is restoring you and the nations and peoples of the world by shining the glorious light of Christ’s salvation and His Word in your lives, you will take over nations and peoples for God in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

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