Thursday, December 12, 2019

Strong People, Strong Nations 2

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

Beloved, God always comes through for those who look up to Him and depend on Him for everything because He is the strength of their lives. Please read 1st Samuel Chapter 15 verse 17. King Hezekiah and the people of Judah turned to God for help when besieged by Sennecherib and his unstoppable conquistador army that had pillaged the nations around them. Sennecherib and his army threatened Judah, insulted Hezekiah and the people of Judah and even dared to ask the people of Judah not to allow Hezekiah deceive them. Hezekiah was resolute and this made Sennecherib wonder as to who and what Hezekiah’s powerbase was. Rather than truly inquire and walk with Hezekiah’s God, Sennecherib and the leadership of his army dared to speak against God, telling the people not to believe Hezekiah and that God was incapable of saving them.

God heard every folly uttered by Sennecherib and the leadership of his supposedly unstoppable army. Unfortunately for them, God sent one angel who single handedly wiped out one hundred and eight five thousand soldiers in one night. As if that was not enough, Sennecherib was killed by his two sons in the house of his god; ironically while he was worshipping the god he boasted about, his supposedly powerbase whom he claimed gave him power to conquer the nations and was going to hand over Judah to him on a platter of gold. But unknown to Sennecherib, the leadership of his army and his numerous soldiers; Judah strength was in God the Creator and Owner of the Universe and to Whom, everything and everyone submits.

Judah then, which appeared small, weak and insignificant emerged a very strong nation; even without shooting a single arrow; without even showing up at the battlefield. Please read Isaiah Chapters 36 to 38.

Zerah the Ethiopian with his well-equipped and his numerically strong army of over a million soldiers and chariots came up against Judah’s army of just three hundred thousand soldiers armed with shields and spears. Under the leadership of King Asa who chose to look up God and depend on God for everything, God routed the Ethiopian army. Many of them were killed while the loot from that military campaign further enriched the Judeans.

Beloved, to be in God and to trust Him completely as well as depend on Him for everything is great strength and wisdom which makes a person, a family, an institution, a community, a nation and a people strong and wise. Please read Numbers Chapters 23 to 24 for what Balaam said about the nation of Israel when he could not curse them because God restrained him from doing so.

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