Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Release the Power in the Word 4

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

Listening to gossip, gossiping; both are not only filthy but ill-fitting garments that should not be worn by anyone. The filth coupled with the ill fit bring shame, disgrace and reproach to a person, family, institution and nation because they make the person look bad, unpleasant, uncaring and wicked in the eyes of the person or people gossiped about.

Additionally, gossiping and listening to gossip paint the culprit as agents of the devil; that is idle people who have no divine tasks to accomplish. They are seen as people on a mission by the enemy to speak negatively about other people. It is as bad as cock-strutting public places in tattered or rumpled clothes. Gossip brings about humiliation.

Beloved, it is wisdom; great wisdom from God not to put on such ill-fitting clothes and if you have been wearing them before now, it is time to discard them and either burn or trash them in the bin. They do not befit a child of God especially a child of God filled with the Spirit of God.

Gossip has immense capacity to tear down and destroy people, families, institutions, communities and nations. One wrong word spread by a gossip can set an institution, a family or families and communities as well as nations on fire. This is because gossip breeds deep seated anger, resentment and bitterness which sometimes escalates to deep seated hate which culminates in vindictiveness of great magnitude; that could even lead to murder and wars in some cases. While more civilized people handle such cases legally as libel or slander, other less civilized and uncivilized people resort to street methods such as respond with gossip against the culprits, confront and quarrel with the gossip or outright violence, a fight or beat up the person concerned.

Beloved, your divine task as a child of God is to declare, proclaim and prophesy the Word of God over individuals, families, institutions, communities and nations and thereafter intercede for the manifestation of the Word of God. That way, you will be serving and accomplishing divine purpose with your mouth and ears and also serving as God’s prophet to the nations. Please read about the exploits of the prophet Elijah in 1st Kings Chapter 18; that of Elisha in 2nd Kings Chapter 7 where he decreed an end to famine and cannibalism in the land of Israel, the intercessory prayers of Daniel for an end to exile in Babylon and restoration of Jerusalem. Beloved, these and many more in the Bible did not listen to gossip. They also did not gossip. Rather, they released the power in the word of God and God brought healing to the people as well as their nations. May God bless you and enlarge your coasts as you begin to release the power in the word for the healing of the nations in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

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