Thursday, December 12, 2019

Strong People, Strong Nations

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

The people and nations who always look up to God for help and depend on God for practically everything are the really strong people and strong nations. This also goes for families and institutions. Please read Psalm 121.

Often, people and nations who have no idea Who God is and the awesome power of God at work in the lives of those who depend on God often look down with great contempt on people who look up to God and depend on Him. These same people who have no idea of how great and powerful God is consider those people and nations who look up to God and depend on God to be weak minded people who cannot take decisions on their own. But they forget something very important. God is the Creator and Owner of everyone and everything; therefore, it is great wisdom to look up to God and depend on Him for everything. At the same time, it is great folly to think and believe that one does not need God and can succeed outside of God.

While it is true that God divinely created everyone to succeed, the truth is that true success cannot be found outside of God. True success is in God and the divine capacity to succeed can only be activated when a person surrenders to God and looks up to God and depends on God for everything. The lives of a number of biblical people and nations reflect this truth.

King David for instance consistently looked up to God and was empowered to do great things. He was considered a strong person but his great strength including the ability to take on and kill wild animals; bring down Goliath; kill many in battle; lead highly successful military campaigns against Israel’s hostile neighbors and their allies were all a function of David’s great trust in God as well as his unwavering dependence on God. Please read Psalm 18, 1st Samuel Chapter 17, 2nd Samuel Chapter 22 and 1st Samuel Chapter 30.

The nation of Israel was strong and won several battles surprisingly against nations with great armies in terms of numerical strength, military expertise, ownership of superior weapons and great allies. This was because Israel was dependent on God and looked to God to always help them.

The military campaign of Judah through praise worship to God against the three allied nations of Moab, Ammon and Edom is a classic case study. Judah was relatively small in comparison to the three allied nations. But they cried to God for help and God came through for them as the three allied nations turned against one another and destroyed each other to the last man as the people of Judah praised and worshipped God. Please read 2nd Chronicles Chapter 20.

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