Thursday, December 19, 2019

Minister to Heal the Nations 2

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

Significantly and this is quite instructive; ministry is not struggling for positions but rendering of divine services to humanity. Please read Luke Chapter 24. This means that ministry is about impact. Ministry is about doing good to the people. What this implies is that there is much more ministry outside the walls of the Church. Please read John Chapter 5 verses 17 to 19, 30, 2nd Corinthians Chapter 8 verse 9. You can confidently say that you are in ministry when lives are positively impacted for Christ, when lost souls and nations receive healing and deliverance from the divine services you render to them in your ministerial capacity through the preaching of the word and other services you provide. True gospel and ministry is backed with signs and wonders and these are needed today on account of the challenges being faced in the world today. Therefore, seek after lost souls, preach the truth and people will turn to God.

As ministers, God is in everyone. Your gift is your ministry. You have to discover the gift of God in you, develop it and use it for the glory of God. Please read Ephesians Chapter 4. Everyone has ministry and there are levels of ministry.  Some people may have more gifts than other people but the focus should be on deploying the ministry gifts to bring healing to the nations and the peoples of the nations.  

All ministry gifts should work together.

Jesus Christ already set the pattern for deploying ministry to heal the nations. Jesus had vision and mission statements and a clear job description. Please read Luke Chapter 4. Quite significant and instructive is the fact that Jesus did not act independently. He acted on the father’s instruction based on the divine mandate he received. Though the ministry of Jesus was a direct challenge to the authority of the devil over man, the purpose of Jesus was total salvation and not necessarily raising or renting a crowd. It was the signs and wonders which accompanied His ministry, the transformed lives, the healings and deliverances which brought people from far and near.

Beloved, you can be so used of God to bring life, restoration, healing and deliverance in the mighty name of Jesus Christ to the nations and people of the nations as you deploy your ministry gift and office for the divine purpose God designed it for. The presence of the Holy Spirit is what you need to minister.

The Church of Jesus Christ is patiently waiting for you. The peoples and nations of the world are patiently waiting for you. God is waiting for you to make the first move so that He would back you up as you take His healing and life transforming unction to the peoples and nations of the world. How much longer do you want everyone to wait?

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