Monday, December 2, 2019

God is Restoring the Nations 1

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

When the Lord restored the fortunes of[a] Zion,    we were like those who dreamed.  Our mouths were filled with laughter,    our tongues with songs of joy. Then it was said among the nations,    “The Lord has done great things for them.” The Lord has done great things for us,    and we are filled with joy.  Restore our fortunes, Lord,    like streams in the Negev. Those who sow with tears    will reap with songs of joy. Those who go out weeping,    carrying seed to sow, will return with songs of joy,    carrying sheaves with them. Psalm 126 verses 1 to 6.

I am restoring the years you have sown in tears is a line in a song I love so much more so when the Bible corroborates this in several passages of Scripture. Please see Joel Chapter 2 verses 18 to 29, Jeremiah Chapter 32 verses 36 to 44, Ezekiel Chapters 36, 37.

There is more to God than the Savior. He is also the Healer, Provider, Defender, Strength, Protector, Guide, etc. He is also the Restorer Who brings about restoration to His people. God’s restoration is usually multi-dimensional and spans the spiritual, physical, material, marital, financial, intellectual and in as many other areas that you can think of. This implies that God brings about restoration in every area of life. Significantly, His restoration often doubles; triples, quadruples and compounds whatever losses were suffered in the past.

Joseph is a classic example – the years of servitude and being a prisoner in Egypt paid off as Prime Minister in Egypt. That is why he named his first son Manasseh, meaning that God made him forget the toils, shame and indignity of slavery he suffered for almost twenty three years of his life.

Jabez got double blessings from God for the reproach he suffered on account of the name his mother gave him. Jabez’ blessings are what you could describe as an indeed blessing, the type of blessing that showcases a person, family, communities and nations. Such blessings also bring about uncommon favor, sustainable generational wealth, speed and increase on every side.

You, your family members, friends, neighbors, people around you and some of the nations you know may have suffered great losses and are daily moaning and pining; wondering if they can ever raise their heads again. Beloved, God has good news for you and the peoples of the nations. He says that restoration is coming but you must be rightly positioned. Therefore, do not focus on the activities of the caterpillar and the locusts. Rather, focus on what God is restoring to you; the years which the enemy stole from you.

Significantly and this is truly instructive; spiritual restoration always precedes other restorations. Spiritual restoration starts with the removal of spiritual blindness, a situation where a person, family, community or nation and even nations are blind to the truth of the word of God and therefore have no relationship with God. Consequently, they cannot and do not access God to guide them so that they can easily access the hidden riches of God so that God meets their needs on a daily basis and restores to them what the enemy stole from them. Please read Isaiah Chapters 42 verses 18 to 20, 43 verse 8, 29 verses 9 to 15, note verse 13 and link to Hosea Chapter 4 verse 11. 2nd Corinthians Chapters 3 verses 14 to 18, 4 verses 3 to 7, Luke Chapter 24 verses 16, 31, 45, Please see Isaiah Chapter 60.

What is spiritual blindness? Spiritual blindness is darkness, stark ignorance to the knowledge of God and the ways of darkness. In this state, people and nations walk in darkness and live in rebellion to God.

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