Monday, December 30, 2019

Great People Great Nations

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

The journey to greatness does not happen in an instant. It is progressive; determined and orchestrated by God. What manner of people, nation, and name should that be for people, nation or name that God would bless and make great? Anyone aspiring to be great must have a personal relationship with God, Who alone indeed is great in every aspect and Whose name alone is great. Please read Psalms 48 and 76 verse 1, as well as Jeremiah Chapter 32 verses 17 to 19.

People ruled by the fear of God and who trust God. God is great in power, has great power and all power belongs to Him. Please read Psalm 62 verse 11 and Jeremiah Chapter 32 verse 17.  Additionally, God is great in counsel. Please see Jeremiah Chapter 32 verse 19. He is also great in excellence as attested to in Exodus Chapter 15 verse 7. Significantly, the arm of the Lord is great – Exodus Chapter 15 verse 16. Therefore, anyone or nations seeking greatness must and should link up with God to receive greatness.

Characteristics of Great People

They are blessed by God and they enjoy the blessings of God (Genesis Chapters 12 verse 2, 15 verse 1, 24 verses 35 to 36).

God is always with them. Please read Numbers Chapter 14 verse 19, Psalm 46.

They own abundant material possessions as evidenced in the cases of Abraham (Genesis Chapters 13 verses 1 to 6, 15 verse 14 and 24 verses 35 to 36); and Job (Job Chapter 1).

They are wise and understanding people who obey God and His word and they are blessed with the word of God to guide and direct them. Please read Deuteronomy Chapter 4 verses 1 to 10, Ecclesiastes Chapter 1 verse 16 and 1st Kings Chapter 3. King Solomon is a good example.

They are significant and eminent people in their families, communities, nations, institutions. Please read Proverbs Chapter 18 verse 16. Joseph is a classic example. He rose from slavery, servant hood and prison to the prime leadership of Egypt.

They are strong people (Joshua Chapter 23 verse 9).

They commit to a culture of excellence, excel at whatsoever they do and always live excellent lives. Excellence is a watchword that is never sacrificed for anything. Mediocrity is not given any chance in the lives of such people. Daniel who served several kings in the kingdoms of Babylon and Persia is a great example. He excelled in practically every task he was assigned to.
 Great people are the children of God and they derive their greatness from God Who alone is great and to Whom all greatness belong. Please read Deuteronomy Chapter 4 verses 1 to 10, Jeremiah Chapter 32 verses 17 to 19.

Great nations have large populations (Genesis Chapter 17 verses 1 to 6, 16, and 20).

They enjoy progressive increase from God (Psalm 71 verse 21) David did.

Great people are famous people. King David was. He became great because God was with him. Please read 1st Chronicles Chapter 11 verse 9, 14 verse 7.

Great people invest in the Presence of God and the Presence of God makes them; not only great but also secures them from evil. Please read 2nd Samuel Chapter 5 verse 6. David was not afraid of any evil because God was always with him. 1st Samuel Chapter 16 verse 18 and Psalm 23 verses 4 to 5. Saul was afraid of David because God was with David. Great people and nations are wise people. The Bible records that David behaved wisely in all his ways, more wisely than the servants of Saul because God was with him. For this reason, the name of David became highly esteemed. Please see 1st Samuel Chapter 18 verses 12 to 5 and 29.

They are well known either locally, nationally or globally.

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