Friday, December 29, 2017

Honor the Giver of the Gifts

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

The Giver of the gifts is more important than the gift. The Giver of the gifts know when it is necessary to use the gifts, how to use the gifts, where to use the gifts, and to what purpose to put the gifts. Besides, He knows best what measure of the gifts to administer at each point in time. Gifts serve specific purposes and after the specific purposes, they may not be necessary or relevant again until God wants them used again.

However, we all need the Giver of the gifts; that is God at all times and at every point in time in our lives. Without Him, the gifts really would not be effective and we would not be any different from unbelievers who use their gifts for purposes that do not glorify God, do not honor or acknowledge God as the Giver of the gifts and do not use the gifts for His purposes. Unbelievers celebrate their gifts and believe that the gifts are more important than God; and a relationship with God. They therefore boast about their exploits from the use of the gifts and believe that their achievements are based on their own power. They do not give the honor to God, do not allow God to direct them on the use of the gift and therefore use it at will and for purposes that do not glorify God. They then behave like Sennecherib who boasted about his conquests thinking he conquered those lands in his own might and like Nebuchadnezzar who learnt the hard way.

Unfortunately, we are experiencing the same challenges in the Church today. Genuine spirit filled believers, ministers of the gospel who commenced ministry fully yielded to God progressively ignore God and His directions to them and begin to emphasize the gifts of God and ministry in them rather than God who called them and gave them the gifts. That is where some believers and ministers miss it. It is great to seek the gifts but is best and greatest to seek and honor the giver of the gifts. This is because in reality the gifts do not really function outside the Giver of the gifts. So if you focus on the gifts at the expense of the Giver of the gifts, you may lose the power and consequently seek power from other sources if you do not make a quick return to the Giver of the gifts.

Enjoy God’s wall of Fire

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha
For I, saith the LORD, will be unto her a wall of fire round about, and will be the glory in the midst of her. Zechariah Chapter 2 verse 5

Violence, anarchy, bloodletting, warfare, armed robbery, kidnapping, piracy are not new.  They have always been part of man from the beginning of creation. Cain killed his brother Abel because he was jealous of Abel’s success. Thereafter, bloodletting in diverse forms has been insisting on becoming the norm of life.

God the Creator and owner of the universe offers to be a wall of fire around you, your loved ones, your home, building, compound and estate. It is the greatest privilege and honor in life because God takes over all your battles so that you can rest and give Him the glory. He fights your battles and barricades the enemy from accessing you or anything that belongs to you.

Everything created by God can become either a weapon of destruction or safety and security in the hands of God depending on what divide a person is in. Fire destroys, consumes people that God is angry with. That same fire also becomes a wall of divine defence, security and peace to the people of God when God chooses to be a wall of fire around His people.

God’s wall of fire is an impenetrable fortress because God’s wall of fire is God Himself and nothing, no one no matter how powerful, how numerous can break through God. Every power bows to God. Besides, God does not move alone – the innumerable company of angels, heavenly hosts and chariots of fire that accompany God will mop up any force contending with the person God is protecting. Therefore, do not fear. When God comes down as a wall of fire around you, then nothing can come against you because God is watching over you with His love and compassion.

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Church; Arise and Heal the Nations

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

The order of God is for the world to serve the Church through beneficial policies and access to whatever resources the Church requires but the Church has reversed the order by serving the world. Pray that God’s original order will stand so that the Church will be busily and profitably engaged in the tasks of soul winning and spiritual nurture.

Ask God to show the Church mercy and transfer wealth to the Church as the Church needs money for large scale evangelistic meetings as well as reaching out to the needy and vulnerable people in society. Therefore, let there be a speedy manifestation of the promises of God concerning wealth transfer as stipulated in Isaiah Chapter 60.

Let the glory of God rise upon the Church and let the glory be seen.

Let the Gentiles and kings come to the Church to behold and partake of the glory of God.

Let backslidden Christians repent and return to the Church.

The abundance of the sea should flow to the Church.

The wealth of the Gentiles should be divinely transferred to the Church.

Have the Eyes of Faith

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

The Bible defines faith as the evidence of things not seen. Please see Hebrews Chapter 11 verse 1. Faith should be in God. Please see Mark Chapter 11 verses 22 to 24 and Acts Chapter 3 verse 16. Faith is not static which explains why the Bible instructs believers to grow in faith. Please see 2nd Thessalonians Chapter 1 verse 3.

There are dimensions of faith such as great faith, little faith and zero faith.

The Centurion in Capernaum demonstrated great faith when he requested that Jesus should simply speak the word so that his sick servant at home would be healed. Please see Matthew Chapter 8 verses 5 to 13. So also did the woman with the issue of blood recorded in Luke Chapter 8 verses 43 to 48 and Mark Chapter 5 verses 25 to 34. The exploits of King David also speak of someone who always exercised great faith. Please see 1st Samuel Chapter 17. The Syro Phoenician woman who requested healing for her daughter despite being referred to as a dog (Matthew Chapter 15 verses 22 to 28) demonstrated great faith as she kept asking to receive. The friends of the paralytic took faith to another level when they decided to bring their sick friend to Jesus through the roof. Please see Luke Chapter 5 verses 17 to 20. They had absolute confidence that Jesus would heal their friend and Jesus did.

The Sacrifice of Praise for Healing the Nations 2

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

Continually offer the sacrifice of praise even as the Israelites offered sacrifices daily. As priests unto God, this is a major daily sacrifice. Aaron and his sons were consecrated as priests to minister unto God – Exodus Chapters 28 verse 41, 29 verse 44, 40 verses 13 to 15, Leviticus Chapter 7 verses 35. Jesus Christ made us kings and priests to God – Revelation Chapter 5 verses 10, 1st Peter Chapter 2 verses 5, 9.

Give Praise to the Lord so that the earth will yield her increase – there is a connection between praise and increase – Psalm 67, Isaiah Chapter 63 verse 7.

Father, please have mercy on the nations of the world and all of us; and forgive the nations of the world the sin of not acknowledging You as God and consequently not giving You the praise that is due Your Holy name. We acknowledge our sin and are truly sorry, Lord. We ask for mercy, forgiveness and cleansing by the blood of Jesus Christ in Jesus mighty name.

Father, thank You for forgiving and cleansing the nations of the world of sin. We ask for the grace and wisdom to always praise You, Lord so that our lives and lands will yield increase and abundance to the glory of Your Holy name, Lord in Jesus mighty name. Please see Psalm 85 verse 2.

The Sacrifice of Praise for Healing the Nations 1

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

Do not take what belongs to God and use for yourself. Praise belongs to God and should be given to God alone. He deserves all our praise. The praise due to God should not be given to anyone else. Please see Psalm 47 verses 6 to 7, 69 verse 30.  Praising God goes beyond singing to sharing testimonies of God’s goodness. Your utterances should also glorify God. Praise shortens your journey to the top. If you are not praising God, you are not fulfilling the purpose for which God created you. Carefully choose songs of praise and minister quality praise to God.

God created us to be agents of praise. God is looking for people that will glorify Him. God does not share His glory with anyone, Praise goes directly to God. Intermediaries are not required. Praise should come from the depths of your heart to God.

Why Praise God?

He is the Creator, He commands and they are created, He establishes them forever – Psalm 148 verses 5 to 6; God is good and His name is pleasant– Psalm 135 verse 3; God is worthy to be praised – Psalm 18 verse 3, 48 verse 1; He does wonderful things - Isaiah Chapter 25 verses 1 to 4; He gives rain for the earth so that food grows for all of creation ; His merciful kindness – Psalm 117 verse 2; His mighty acts and greatness – Psalm 150 verse 2; His truth endures forever – Psalm 117 verse 2; Answered prayers – Psalm 118 verse 21; His name is good – Psalm 54 verse 6 ; He strengthened the bars of the gates of Jerusalem and blessed the children – Psalm 147 verses 12 to 13; Praise is good and beautiful – Psalm 147 verse 1, 7 to 8, ; He gives righteous judgments – psalm 119 verse 164.

God inhabits the praises of His people.  Please see 2nd Chronicles Chapter 5 verses 12 to 14, 20 verses 19 to 25. Besides, praise is a good weapon of warfare. `

Divine Guidance for the Healing of the Nations

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

Divine greatness and enlargement and guidance of nations come from God alone. Please see Job Chapters 8 verse 7; 12 verse 23, Psalms 78 verse 52; 25 verse 9; 73 verse 24, Isaiah Chapter 58 verse 11, Exodus Chapter 15 verse 13. Therefore, pray that God in His infinite mercy will grant nations the wisdom to ask Him for divine guidance that will lead to the enlargement and greatness of nations.

Father, please, have mercy on the nations of the world and make them great by your power in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

Give both the leadership and the peoples of the nations the wisdom, knowledge, understanding and other resources that they require to make them great, Lord in Jesus mighty name; and after You have made them great, Lord, please help them to stay great in Jesus mighty name.
Father, please keep them safe from the sins the enemy uses to ensnare them so that they stumble from your paths. Keep them safe in your paths, Lord and help them to manage the greatness you are bestowing on them in Jesus mighty name. Thank You for answered prayers, Lord in Jesus mighty name.

You are the One Who alone has the power to make the nations great. Father, please release the power for sustainable greatness upon the nations of the world and help them to stay great by your power in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Thank You, Lord.

Enlargement of nations in whatever form comes from You alone, Lord. Please, have mercy on the nations of the world and enlarge them spiritually, physically, materially, numerically, mentally, intellectually, financially, and politically for and to the glory of Your holy name, Lord in Jesus mighty name.

The Significance of Light in Healing the Nations

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

In the creation story, the earth lacked form; there was chaos, lack of order, total disorder, and lack of direction. There was no clear cut direction, everything was done haphazardly; void and darkness was on the face of the deep. To give the earth form and fill the void, light was required to take away the darkness and give direction to the creation process. So God created light first. In like manner, light is required to bring order out of chaos and that light is the word of God, which comes through salvation by faith in Christ Jesus. Darkness symbolizes ignorance, absence of light, lack of understanding, lack of wisdom, foolishness, rebellion, confusion, unbelief, lack of direction.

Righteousness symbolizes light, right direction, clear cut specific direction, knowledge, understanding, wisdom, and obedience. It is only the righteousness of God that exalts a nation. Please see Proverbs Chapter 14 verse 34, Romans Chapters 3 verse 21 to 22; 10 verses 1 to 13; 9 verses 27 to 33 and 1st Corinthians Chapter 1 verse 30. The morality of a person or persons in a nation/s cannot exalt the nation; neither does the supposed righteousness of the nation established outside of the righteousness of God. This is because the righteousness of man is like filthy rags.

Light represents clarity, knowledge, and understanding. That is why light excels darkness – Ecclesiastes Chapter 2 verse 13. Visibility and clarity is enhanced with light and greater mobility is assured in the presence of light. Light gives speed, leverage, an edge or edges over your competition. Light causes you to excel as you will have greater understanding of what to do, how to do it better; when to do it to achieve greater and better results – Ecclesiastes Chapter 3 verses 1 to 11, 17, 1st Chronicles Chapter 12 verse 32 and where to do it.

Monday, December 25, 2017

The Place of Knowledge in the Healing of the Nations 2

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

God is the author of knowledge. Please see 1st Samuel Chapter 2 verse 3, Proverbs Chapter 2 verses 1 to 5.

Ask God for the grace to proclaim the good tidings of His knowledge that dispels darkness and brings good news, peace, expansion, salvation, deliverance, et all to humanity. Please see Isaiah Chapter 52 verse 7, 61 verses 1 to 4, Luke Chapter 4 verses 18 to 19.
Pray that you will always be willing to proclaim the word. Please see Psalm 68 verse 11.
Pray that believers and disciples will grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ as stated in 2nd Peter Chapter 3 verse 18.
Pray that God in His infinite mercy will destroy whatever is blinding the minds of people held in satanic captivity of mental and spiritual strongholds in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
Pray that God will show them mercy and open their hearts to receive and believe the gospel so that they will be saved and become children of God  in the mighty name of Jesus Christ – John Chapter 3 verses 16 to 18, 1 verse 12.
Pray that the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ in the image of God should shine on them to eliminate every form of spiritual darkness in their lives in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Please see 2nd Corinthians Chapter 4 verses 3 to 4.
Pray that God in His infinite mercy will build and plant salvation by faith in Christ Jesus – the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ Jesus so that Christ will dwell in their hearts by faith, the eyes of their understanding to be enlightened to know their inheritance in Christ Jesus.
Pray that they will have definite life transforming encounters with the word of God and if need be encounter Jesus just as Saul did and he became Paul – missionary  extraordinaire.
Pray that every satanic veil blocking their eyes of understanding should be destroyed so that all the lies, deceit, ignorance orchestrated by the enemy will be destroyed even as the veil was torn when Jesus paid the supreme price for the redemption of man. Please see Ephesians Chapter 1 verses 16 to 25, 3 verses 16 to 19, 2nd Corinthians Chapter 10 verses 3 to 6, Jeremiah Chapter 1 verse 10, Luke Chapter 2 verse 45, Psalm 2, 2nd Corinthians Chapter 3 verses 14, 4 verses 3 to 4, Ephesians Chapter 6 verses 12 to 1, Ezekiel Chapter 13 verses 17 to 23.

The Place of Knowledge in the Healing of the Nations 1

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

The Bible records that the people of God perished for lack of knowledge. Please see Hosea Chapter 4 verse 6, Isaiah Chapter 5 verse 13, Malachi Chapter 2 verses 1 to 8, note verse 7, Ezra Chapter 7 verses 6, 10 to 11, Nehemiah Chapter 8 verses 1 to 18, Proverbs Chapter 28 verse 2.

Knowledge, the right and accurate information anyone requires to make informed choices is also a critical determinant in the healing of the nations. This is because ignorance of God’s ways will make peoples and nations live contrary to God’s ways. But with the right information about God and salvation as well as the benefits of salvation, peoples and nations will have a choice – whether to live for God or walk in their own ways. Knowledge therefore enlightens and empowers to transform. Please see Proverbs Chapters 24 verses 4 to 5, 14; 27 verses 23 to 27. Knowledge also enlightens, enriches and empowers; as well as strengthens nations to transform – the nation is filled with all precious and pleasant riches, the nation is strengthened, has prospects and its hope will not be cut off.

This is to say that what nations need to come out of darkness, oppression, insecurity, economic doldrums and all forms of limitation is the knowledge, the knowledge of God. Additionally, nations should be ruled by people of understanding and knowledge because right is also prolonged in a nation blessed with a man of understanding and knowledge. Please see Proverbs Chapter 28 verse 2. When Moses chose leaders from among the twelve tribes of Israel, one of the criteria for choosing leaders was knowledgeable men and not ignorant men. Please see Deuteronomy Chapter 1 verses 13 to 15. Ezra the teaching priest and Huldah, the prophetess who interpreted the word of God were people of knowledge.

The Responsibility for Leadership

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

Leaders are motivated by service, not power. Leaders add value to others by serving them, not by lording it over them. John Maxwell.

True leadership comes by genuine unadulterated service to God and humanity. At various levels, everyone created by God is a leader endowed with divine gifts for leadership albeit service to God and humanity.

To lead effectively, you have to identify your divine gifts for service so that you will provide the right service and leadership. Leaders who have no gifts or people who have not identified their gifts for service are not leaders but rulers who impose themselves on humanity and have nothing to offer the people. They are usually the ones who cannot provide any sense of direction. Rather, they impose hard to obey rules culminating in fear in the land in the bid to coax the people into forced submission.


This story comes from the Democratic Republic of Congo where there is fighting between government and rebel soldiers.

The door fell with a crash as enemy soldiers rushed into the pastor’s house. They had machine-guns and were ready to use them. Their plan was to kill all the people in the village, beginning with the young pastor and his family.

The family sat, stunned, waiting to see what would happen next.  The soldiers were filled with hate. “Wait,” the pastor said. “Please let my family and me pray for a moment before we die”  The whole family knelt, arm in arm, in a circle on the floor and asked God for his help.

As they prayed, they expected machine-gun fire any second, but none came.  Slowly they stood up. The soldiers had gone, not just from their house but from the village too.

Sunday, December 24, 2017

The Essence of the Gifts of Healings

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

God is the Healer who loves to heal His people at all times. People make up nations and if their minds, hearts and spirits are not healed to be in tune with God through repentance, then the land cannot be healed. Definitely, not everyone will repent but those who are called by the name of God, who believe in God can stand in the gap and pray for the healing of the land.

God is the Healer. He is God, Your Creator, Father, Redeemer, Savior, Sanctifier, Justifier, the only one who can save nations, Who can heal nations because He created them, He owns them, knows their entire makeup, knows everything about them, about the devil, his cohorts and camp and what they are planning, had planned and done and what they are about to do and most significantly God knows how to stop them. That is why He is the LORD Who empowers you, the One who goes ahead of you with the blood of Jesus Christ to say that the enemy has no hold or leverage against the nations (Romans Chapter 4 verses 17 to 25, 5 verses 8 to 9).

God blessed you with the gifts of healings to bring His healings to the nations of the world through teaching repentance from sins by the blood of Jesus Christ, salvation by faith in Jesus Christ, healing and total restoration by the blood of Jesus Christ. The essence of the gifts of healings in your life is for the healing of the nations.

Thursday, November 23, 2017

Healing the Nations Campfire 2017 3

Compiled by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha


Proclaim His Power 3

Compiled by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha


Healing the Nations Campfire 2017 2

Compiled by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha


Healing the Nations Campfire 2017

Compiled by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha


Proclaim His Power 2

Compiled by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha


Possess the Gates of Your Enemies

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha The Bible records that the siblings of Rebekah blessed her and prayed that her descendants woul...