Monday, December 30, 2019

God has Power over Recessions

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

He increaseth the nations, and destroyeth them: he enlargeth the nations, and straiteneth them [again]. Job Chapter 12 verse 23.

God has absolute power over recessions, famine and soaring inflation, all of which can be adduced to a number of causes.

Recessions, famine and soaring inflation can be as a result of sin by the people of the land as in the case of the nation of Israel under the rule of King Ahab (1st Kings Chapters 17 and 18); the oppression of Israel by Midian for seven years so that the people of Israel continually labored in vain because Midian always came into Israel to destroy whatever crops were sown, and to take away their livestock,; thereby leaving them impoverished. But when the nation of Israel repented, the recession came to an end as the source of that recession, the extreme wickedness of Midian was dealt with when Gideon and his army routed out Midian from Israel.

Recessions can also be caused by besiegement of a nation or people by a seemingly militarily stronger, economically stronger, mentally stronger nation as the case when King Ben-Hadad of Syria besieged Israel and the head of a donkey was sold for eighty shekels of silver and one fourth of a kab of dove droppings was sold for five shekels of silver (2nd Kings Chapter 6 verses 24 to 25). The siege was so fierce that hunger ravaged the land and some people resorted to cannibalism; eating their children. But when God intervened, the recession came to an abrupt end leaving the people with an abundance of food and other material resources. Please read 2nd Kings Chapter 7 for details of the abrupt end.

Healing the Nations is about standing on the word of God, the word of God that does not return to God void. God promises peace in our borders – Psalm 147 verse 6, in point of fact abundance of peace in Jeremiah Chapter 33 verse 6. He also gave a covenant of peace in Ezekiel Chapter 34 verse 25. God promises peace in the land in Leviticus Chapter 26 verse 6, the kind of peace that guarantees the absence of fear because nothing will make anyone afraid in the land, people will lie down and not be afraid, sleep peacefully in Jesus mighty name. In Micah Chapter 4 verses 1 to 4, God promises no more wars and that violence will cease in the land. Please see also Isaiah Chapter 2 verses 1 to 5, 66 verse 12, and Haggai Chapter 2 verse 9.

Peace in the land is integral to development as it guarantees sustainable economic, social, political and other activities which foster development and abundance in the land so that recessions do not impoverish people and make them unhappy. Peace in the land also guarantees the preaching of the gospel, evangelism, assembling together, teaching, and living happily as families and nations. I believe this is one of eh reasons the Bible admonishes believers in 1st Timothy Chapter 2 verses 1 to 5 to pray for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence.

Great People Great Nations

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

The journey to greatness does not happen in an instant. It is progressive; determined and orchestrated by God. What manner of people, nation, and name should that be for people, nation or name that God would bless and make great? Anyone aspiring to be great must have a personal relationship with God, Who alone indeed is great in every aspect and Whose name alone is great. Please read Psalms 48 and 76 verse 1, as well as Jeremiah Chapter 32 verses 17 to 19.

People ruled by the fear of God and who trust God. God is great in power, has great power and all power belongs to Him. Please read Psalm 62 verse 11 and Jeremiah Chapter 32 verse 17.  Additionally, God is great in counsel. Please see Jeremiah Chapter 32 verse 19. He is also great in excellence as attested to in Exodus Chapter 15 verse 7. Significantly, the arm of the Lord is great – Exodus Chapter 15 verse 16. Therefore, anyone or nations seeking greatness must and should link up with God to receive greatness.

Characteristics of Great People

They are blessed by God and they enjoy the blessings of God (Genesis Chapters 12 verse 2, 15 verse 1, 24 verses 35 to 36).

God is always with them. Please read Numbers Chapter 14 verse 19, Psalm 46.

They own abundant material possessions as evidenced in the cases of Abraham (Genesis Chapters 13 verses 1 to 6, 15 verse 14 and 24 verses 35 to 36); and Job (Job Chapter 1).

They are wise and understanding people who obey God and His word and they are blessed with the word of God to guide and direct them. Please read Deuteronomy Chapter 4 verses 1 to 10, Ecclesiastes Chapter 1 verse 16 and 1st Kings Chapter 3. King Solomon is a good example.

They are significant and eminent people in their families, communities, nations, institutions. Please read Proverbs Chapter 18 verse 16. Joseph is a classic example. He rose from slavery, servant hood and prison to the prime leadership of Egypt.

They are strong people (Joshua Chapter 23 verse 9).

Healing the Nations by the Spirit of God

 Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

Not by might nor by power but by my Spirit, says the Lord of Host, Zechariah Chapter 4 verse 6

True holistic healing that is spiritual, physical and mental can only come upon the peoples and nations by the Spirit of God known as the Holy Spirit. God dwells in us by His Spirit, therefore His Spirit in us will help to bring captivities to an end in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. There were prophecies about His coming and the great work of healing and restoration that He would do in the lives of believers filled with the Holy Spirit. Please read Joel Chapter 2 verses 28 to 32, John Chapter 16 verse 7, Acts Chapter 1 verse 4, and Luke Chapter 24 verse 49.  Such healing comes upon the land and whatever is resident on the land, water and natural resources.

The Holy Spirit energizes believers to pray effectively. Please read Acts Chapter 2 verses 1 to 4. The Holy Spirit directs you in the way of prosperity, divine direction, divine health, mental alertness, having a pleasant disposition, financial well-being and physical well-being. For instance, the Holy Spirit is the One Who instructs you to take record of your finances, take account of how much you spend so that you can manage your finances profitably. Beloved, accountability is important in every area of life. Read the Bible, make notes. Meditate on your notes in line with the word of God and the Holy Spirit will give you direction. Plan – Proverbs Chapter 21 verse 5. Unplanned and compulsive spending will lead to disaster. Have a culture of saving.

Fresh infilling of the Holy Spirit upon missionaries, Ministers of the gospel, believers generally; to be empowered to preach the gospel boldly across the world using technology as well as other means of preaching the gospel. The Apostles, Stephen and Philip were filled with the Holy Spirit. They evangelized their world. Please read Acts Chapter 4 verse 31.

Fresh fire for intercession, a great outpouring of the Spirit of grace and supplication upon the Church of God in order to be empowered to groan for the salvation and deliverance of lost souls globally especially those in the 10/40 window region. Please read Romans Chapter 10 verses 1 to 3.

Giving to Heal the Nations

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

Put the seed on the ground so that the seed can generate abundant harvests for you and those 
who depend on your generosity to them. Please read Zechariah Chapter 8 verse 12, 2nd Corinthians Chapter 9 verse 10, Isaiah Chapter 30 verse 23, Malachi Chapter 3 verses 10 to 12 and Leviticus Chapter 26 verses 3 to 13.

God will always supply seed and bread; seed to be planted for multiplication and compounding and bread for eating. What you do with the seed divinely supplied by God actually determines the increase you receive. It is the seed planted that God multiplies to give you His desired increase in life but when that divinely supplied seed meant for planting is not planted but eaten, then you have stopped the flow of God’s increase in your life.

The glory of the latter house shall be greater than the former because God is always able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that you could ever ask or think; because He does what He does, His great wonders and miracles by His Spirit. Therefore, PLANT SEEDS AND EAT BREAD. ASK GOD to always help you identify seeds so that you will always separate seeds from bread. Seeds always prosper and flourish and your seeds will definitely prosper and flourish to the glory of God in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Please read Zechariah Chapter 4 verse 6 and Haggai Chapters 1 verses 13 to 14, 2 verse 5

He stirred up the spirit of Zerubbabel, the governor of Judah, Joshua the High Priest as well as the remnant of the people to go and rebuild the temple in Jerusalem. These people gave voluntarily, without compulsion or any form of coercion or carrots and worked on the house of the Lord.

Beloved, when God is at work; the people, the vessels He always prepares for His work usually voluntarily offer their resources and services for the work of the Lord. Please read Luke Chapter 8 verses 1 to 3 about the women who supported the ministry of Jesus Christ, the unparalleled giving of the Church in Macedonia (2nd Corinthians Chapter 8 verses 1 to 24); the Church in Philippi (Philippians Chapter 4 verses 14 to 19), the generosity of King Cyrus to the Jews (Isaiah Chapters 44 verse 28, 45 verses 1 to 3, 13, 2nd Chronicles Chapter 36 verses 22 to 23, Ezra Chapters 1 verses 1 to 11, 2 verses 68 to 69; King Hezekiah who restored worship in the temple, gave generous offerings and encouraged the people to celebrate the Passover as well as pay their tithes and give generous offering; the Judeans who gave willingly (2nd Chronicles Chapter 31 verses 1 to 21; the Israelites in the wilderness who gave willingly and generously for the building of the tabernacle in the wilderness (Exodus Chapters 25 verses 1 to 8, 35 verses 5 to 35 and 36 verses 1 to 8).

David and the people of Israel gave generously for the building of the temple. Please read 1st Chronicles Chapter 29. What is significant is that David would not even see the foundation of the temple yet the Bible records that he gave for the building of the temple his own special treasures of gold and silver. Beloved, do not forget that David was King and had access to the nation’s treasury and therefore could have given from the national treasury and claimed that it was his personal contribution.

God is Able to Heal the Nations

 Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

God is good, God is always faithful, God is holy, He is fearful in praises, He is glorious in holiness, rich in mercy and merciful, exceedingly kind and good, God is awesome, wonderful, powerful since all power belongs to Him, God is true and does not lie, God is love and always loving, God protects, God provides, God heals, God delivers, God forgives sins, cleanses from iniquities, justifies and sanctifies. God is the Redeemer and always redeems, God is the Savior of the world and always saves, He does not fail, and He does not renege on His word. His desire and intent is to do good to His people by bringing healing and every kind of deliverance to His people in the nations.

God always forgives but His forgiveness is based on genuine repentance coupled with a willingness to renounce and forsake the sin. He forgave Peter who denied Jesus Christ three times. He forgave Zacchaeus. He forgave Mary out of whom He cast out seven demons. What then is your sin or the sin of your nation and people that God will not forgive? Simply acknowledge and confess the sin or sins to Him and they are as good as completely wiped out clean so that His healing can flow in the nations.

God is able to heal the nations because all power belongs to Him. Please read Psalm 62 verse 11. God has the ultimate power, the limitless resources, capacity and whatever else is required by anyone, and wherever to bring healing to the nations. No one and nothing can stop Him. He heals, He delivers, He makes abundant provision, He restores, He guides and guards, He makes alive, He delivers from death, He opens doors in unlikely places, He uses unlikely channels and vessels for great miracles.

One of the ways God demonstrates His power is to open doors which no one no matter how powerful and influential can shut even if they have the legal ground to do so. Please read Revelations Chapter 3 verses 7 to 8, Isaiah chapter 22 verse 22, Isaiah Chapter 45 verses 1 to 3, 49 verses 25 to 26, 60 verse 11.

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Merry Christmas

Compiled by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

Release the Power in the Word 4

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

Listening to gossip, gossiping; both are not only filthy but ill-fitting garments that should not be worn by anyone. The filth coupled with the ill fit bring shame, disgrace and reproach to a person, family, institution and nation because they make the person look bad, unpleasant, uncaring and wicked in the eyes of the person or people gossiped about.

Additionally, gossiping and listening to gossip paint the culprit as agents of the devil; that is idle people who have no divine tasks to accomplish. They are seen as people on a mission by the enemy to speak negatively about other people. It is as bad as cock-strutting public places in tattered or rumpled clothes. Gossip brings about humiliation.

Beloved, it is wisdom; great wisdom from God not to put on such ill-fitting clothes and if you have been wearing them before now, it is time to discard them and either burn or trash them in the bin. They do not befit a child of God especially a child of God filled with the Spirit of God.

Gossip has immense capacity to tear down and destroy people, families, institutions, communities and nations. One wrong word spread by a gossip can set an institution, a family or families and communities as well as nations on fire. This is because gossip breeds deep seated anger, resentment and bitterness which sometimes escalates to deep seated hate which culminates in vindictiveness of great magnitude; that could even lead to murder and wars in some cases. While more civilized people handle such cases legally as libel or slander, other less civilized and uncivilized people resort to street methods such as respond with gossip against the culprits, confront and quarrel with the gossip or outright violence, a fight or beat up the person concerned.

Release the Power in the Word 3

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

Jesus Christ did not shoot a single bullet. He did not call for a revolution. He did not lead a crowd of ragtag rebels yet He impacted the lives of multitudes of people. The people were transformed by the teachings of Jesus Christ. Willingly, they followed Jesus and abandoned the old ways which held them captive. The teachings of Jesus Christ liberated them from the lies and manipulative teachings of the religious leaders of the day which held them bound to traditions which had no relevance to the love, mercy and compassion of God for His people.

The teaching of the Prophet Zechariah propelled the people of Judah to rebuild the temple of God. Additionally, the teaching ensured a renewed confidence in God and His power to always make impossibilities possibilities. Also, the deflated self-esteem of the people was rekindled and blown to great heights. This was because Zechariah’s teachings based on the word of God reminded the people aware of who they were; a special people of God designed for great works. With their self-esteem rebuilt and enhanced, they soared and excelled at the divine tasks assigned to them. They also prospered because God was with them and He blessed everything they set their hands to do.

As leaders in families, communities, institutions and nations, you should speak powerful words as instructed by the Holy Spirit so you can change the mindsets of people from darkness to the light of Christ in order to bring God’s healing and deliverance to the nations in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. As you speak positive words by the Spirit of God over the people you lead, great transformation will take place in their lives by the Spirit of God.

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Release the Power in the Word 2

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

“At least there is hope for a tree:  If it is cut down, it will sprout again,    and its new shoots will not fail. Its roots may grow old in the ground    and its stump die in the soil, yet at the scent of water it will bud and put forth shoots like a plant. Job Chapter 14 verses 7 to 9.

The word of God does not fail. The word of God always accomplishes what God sends the word to do. Please read Isaiah Chapter 55 verses 6 to 13 and take particular note of verse 11. The Bible records in Joshua Chapter 21 verses 43 to 45 that every single word God spoke to the house of Israel came to pass. Not a single one failed. Please see also Joshua Chapter 23 verse 4.
The word of God has the capacity to quicken the dead, make alive and restore life to dying and dead people and situations such as spiritual death, physical death and mental stupor. In the book of Ezekiel Chapter 37, God restored the spiritually, mentally and physically dry bones in the valley of dry bones. It is also a restoration of hope, vitality and enthusiasm to a despondent people who had lost hope.

In Romans Chapter 4 verses 17 to 25, the Bible records that God quickened the bodies of Abraham and Sarah so that they were able to father and mother Isaac. Their physically dead reproductive organs and systems received life from the Word of God and Isaac came forth.
Spiritual deadness gives way to spiritual life through the power of the word of God such that people rooted in sin turn away from sin to serve God. Please read Ephesians Chapter 2 verses 1 to 22.

The power in the word is released when the word is preached, spoken, declared as prophetic utterances. For instance in Genesis Chapter 1, the Bible records that ‘And God Said’ – God birthed creation by His spoken word – He spoke and it was done. Please see Isaiah Chapter 55 verses 6 to 13, note verse 11, Hebrews Chapters 11 verse 3, 1 verses 1 to 3 and 2nd Peter Chapter 3 verses 5 to 9 as well as 2nd Timothy Chapter 4 verse 2, Romans Chapter 10 verses 1 to 18, Jeremiah Chapter 20 verse 9, Deuteronomy Chapter 6 verses 4 to 9, Ezekiel Chapter 37 and Isaiah Chapter 61 verses 1 to 7.

Release the Power in the Word

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

You can hold a gun and never know the power in your hand if you cannot use the gun; that is how to pull the trigger and even when you know, and you do not pull the trigger, you are only holding a loaded weapon that is not useful to you.

The Word of God is God and has always existed with God from the beginning. Secondly, God does not lie and because God does not lie, His Word always performs whatever the word is sent to accomplish by God. Please read John Chapter 1 verse 1, Isaiah Chapter 55 verses 7 to 13 and Psalm 107 verse 20.

However, the power in the Word of God is released when the Word is spoken, prayed, prophesied and declared prophetically. Hearing the Word, understanding the Word will lead to genuine repentance and genuine repentance will lead to healing and restoration. Hosea Chapter 6 verses 1 to 3, Isaiah Chapter 6 verses 1 to 13, note verses 9 to 10.

Daniel was greatly used of God in the empires of Babylon and Persia because he believed God and His Word. Daniel’s boldness and confidence including his intense and fervent prayer life was based on his understanding of God – God is always true, He does not lie – Numbers Chapter 23 verse 19, 1st Samuel Chapter 15 verse 29, Isaiah Chapter 55 verses 8 to 13, Psalm 130 verse 2 and that the Word of God always comes to pass. That explains Daniel’s fervent intercession for Israel after he understood from Jeremiah’s prophecy (according to the Word of God to Jeremiah that Israel would spend seventy years in Babylonian captivity. Please read Daniel Chapter 9 verses 1 to the end of the chapter and do take note of verse 2).

Wanted - Digital Missionaries

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

The internet is a major mission field and dominant ministry platform. I believe it is a place where a great majority of believers in Christ Jesus should expend energies especially those looking for platforms and opportunities for ministry. This is because there is a huge population online who do not know Christ and can be led to the saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ through digital missions.

Online communities are people from diverse ethnic groups and nationalities and as you share the word of God, the mind of God with them through your writings, blogsposts, social media posts, podcasts and videos, you are serving as God’s prophet unto the nations, reaching the nations of the world which God wants you to minister to. Please read Jeremiah Chapter 1 verses 1 to 10. This is very important and strategic. Your ministry, God’s purpose for your life, could be to own the Internet and use it for the glory of God; to turn people to God and to bring about transformation in the lives of people.

Beloved, ministry has moved beyond brick and mortar to the world wide web. Believers can therefore dominate the internet by populating it with the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. Please see 2nd Corinthians Chapter 4 verses 3 to 6. Are you shopping for a Church auditorium and you do not have the resources to acquire or rent one? Stop looking for brick and mortar ministry. There is a growing need for digital missionaries – believers in Christ Jesus who will gladly use the space they occupy online to preach the gospel.

Minister to Heal the Nations 2

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

Significantly and this is quite instructive; ministry is not struggling for positions but rendering of divine services to humanity. Please read Luke Chapter 24. This means that ministry is about impact. Ministry is about doing good to the people. What this implies is that there is much more ministry outside the walls of the Church. Please read John Chapter 5 verses 17 to 19, 30, 2nd Corinthians Chapter 8 verse 9. You can confidently say that you are in ministry when lives are positively impacted for Christ, when lost souls and nations receive healing and deliverance from the divine services you render to them in your ministerial capacity through the preaching of the word and other services you provide. True gospel and ministry is backed with signs and wonders and these are needed today on account of the challenges being faced in the world today. Therefore, seek after lost souls, preach the truth and people will turn to God.

As ministers, God is in everyone. Your gift is your ministry. You have to discover the gift of God in you, develop it and use it for the glory of God. Please read Ephesians Chapter 4. Everyone has ministry and there are levels of ministry.  Some people may have more gifts than other people but the focus should be on deploying the ministry gifts to bring healing to the nations and the peoples of the nations.  

All ministry gifts should work together.

Minister to Heal the Nations

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

Anyone blessed with and called into the fivefold ministry is a Minister of God and has divine capacity to bring God’s healing to the nations and peoples of the world by the help of the Holy Spirit. The fivefold ministry which constitute the leadership gifts of the Church are divinely designed by God to provide leadership and direction by His Spirit. The fivefold ministry includes Apostle, Prophet, Teacher, Pastor and Evangelist.

An Apostle is a person with special ability to provide authoritative leadership to several Churches; they are also pioneers who plant Churches everywhere there is a need for a Church. An Apostle is always moving forward, gives direction, is highly mobile, and plants churches to  hand over to pastors. They go planting Churches and providing leadership; they are not satisfied with one Church, they provide leadership and direction to a cluster of Churches. The Apostle Paul is a good example. He not only planted several Churches, he also trained competent people to lead the Churches and in the process peoples and nations were saved and healed from the oppression of the enemy. You can deploy your apostolic gift for the healing of the nations who are in dire need of the saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ but are living in denial because the enemy has so blinded them.

Prophet is a ministry gift. A prophet is a person with supernatural ability to interpret the word of God into a current situation in the Church and the nations. A prophet brings solutions, edifies, corrects and strengthens the Church and the nations with the word of God. The New Testament Prophet interprets the Scriptures. The Church cannot survive without the ministry gift of the Prophet. Please see 1st Samuel Chapter 9 verse 9. The New Testament Prophet is actually a person who understands the Scripture more than anyone; interprets the Scriptures in the light of the present situation to edify, correct, educate and rebuke the Church. God does not always give messages of doom but when He does, it is for you to do something about the situation. Moses prayed about God’s judgment on the Israelites. Please see 1st Corinthians Chapter 12.

The Old Testament Prophet spoke the mind of God and only spoke when God speaks to them. But the New Testament Prophet is different. God has spoken to His Church through the Scriptures. A Prophet must prophesy but the manifestation gift of prophecy can come upon anyone. Prophets are happy when they hear from God.

God is Restoring the Nations 2

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

Restoration, repentance, holy living, prosperity, Jeremiah, Ezra, Haggai, Zechariah, nations, peoples, families, individuals, communities can be healed and restored if people return to God, repent of their sins and focus on what God wants them to do in life.

In the absence of knowledge, darkness prevails. Darkness is death; loss, problems, challenges, lacking understanding, falsehood, sorrow and pain. Darkness limits, restricts, imprisons, and is a precursor to bitter labor, unprofitable labor, forced labor, wandering and instability. In situations of darkness, people do things because people are doing things that way irrespective of whether what they are doing is right or not. Darkness wins when the knowledge of God is not there. Unfortunately, a number of nations and a great number of peoples are living in darkness, darkness borne out of ignorance of God and the knowledge of the Word of God. Such ignorance breeds rebellion against the word of God, depisement of the counsel of the most High God as well as outright rejection of God. Psalm 107 verse 11. This is what the Bible refers to as spiritual blindness.

However, when knowledge is present, the true knowledge of God and His word, darkness disappears. This implies that one of the ways God heals nations is to take the veil of spiritual blindness out of the eyes of the spiritually blind so that they can see Jesus and His glorious light for the healing of the nations. It is called the opening of the eyes of the blind. Please see Psalm 146 verse 8, Luke Chapters 4 verse 18, 24 verses 31, 45, Isaiah Chapters 35 verses 4 to 5, 42 verses 1 to 7, 16, 29 verse 18, 9 verse 2, 2 verse 5; John Chapters 1 verses 1 to 9, 12 verses 35 to 36, 46, 8 verse 12, 10 verse 21; Matthew Chapter 4 verses 13 to 16, Micah Chapter 7 verse 8.

Thursday, December 12, 2019

The Prayer of Release 2

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

There is the prayer of release, the prayer that unlocks blessings, that releases the blessings of God; that looses satanic bondage to give freedom to the people of God. Please read 1st Kings Chapter 18 verses 41 to 46, Daniel Chapters 2 verses 17 to 23, 9 verses 1 to 27, Acts Chapter 12 verses 1 to 19, Nehemiah Chapters 1 and 2, 1st Kings Chapter 17, 2nd Kings Chapter 4 verses 18 to 37.

Isaac prayed for his wife to have children. He did not blame Rebekah for not having children. He did not even resort to polygamy. Rather, he trusted God and God came through for him. Please read Genesis Chapter 25 verse 21.

Abraham pleaded with God to have children. He did not put the blame on Sarah. Rather, he begged God to Whom all power belongs and Who alone grants conception to give them children. Please read Psalms 127 verse 3 and 128 verses 1 to end.

Elijah prayed down rain in Israel after a drought period of almost three years. Elijah labored in prayer for the release of the rain after he informed King Ahab and his court that there would rain. Alone with God, Elijah prayed until he saw a small cloud which gradually unleashed a heavy downpour.

Godly Leadership and Economic Prosperity

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

Judah and Israel [were] many, as the sand which [is] by the sea in multitude, eating and drinking, and making merry. And Solomon reigned over all kingdoms from the river unto the land of the Philistines, and unto the border of Egypt: they brought presents, and served Solomon all the days of his life. And Solomon's provision for one day was thirty measures of fine flour, and threescore measures of meal, Ten fat oxen, and twenty oxen out of the pastures, and an hundred sheep, beside harts, and roebucks, and fallowdeer, and fatted fowl.
For he had dominion over all [the region] on this side the river, from Tiphsah even to Azzah, over all the kings on this side the river: and he had peace on all sides round about him. And Judah and Israel dwelt safely, every man under his vine and under his fig tree, from Dan even to Beer-sheba, all the days of Solomon.1st Kings Chapter 4 verses 20 to 25, highlight 20 and 25

The wealth of any nation lies in the minds and hands of the citizens of the nation. A nation of godly refined people who deploy their minds and hands for wealth creation will definitely enjoy abundant and sustainable wealth. The nation of Israel prospered economically and spiritually under the leadership of certain Kings - David, Solomon, Jehoshaphat and Hezekiah.
Significantly, nations can be amply supplied with whatever resources are required for their development and economic prosperity irrespective of the population size.

The Bible records that though Judah and Israel were densely populated during the reign of King Solomon; yet the needs of the people were met. There was abundance of food and drinks as well as other resources. Money denominated in silver and gold was abundant. In point of fact, it was recorded that silver was as common as sand in Israel.

Additionally, there was peace and security in the land; justice and equity. The people were therefore safe and sound, happy and content with what they had. It was also a time of great spiritual awakening and responsibility on the part of the leadership and the people. All of these culminated in great national development and economic prosperity because the leadership of Israel at that time was godly.

Strong People, Strong Nations 2

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

Beloved, God always comes through for those who look up to Him and depend on Him for everything because He is the strength of their lives. Please read 1st Samuel Chapter 15 verse 17. King Hezekiah and the people of Judah turned to God for help when besieged by Sennecherib and his unstoppable conquistador army that had pillaged the nations around them. Sennecherib and his army threatened Judah, insulted Hezekiah and the people of Judah and even dared to ask the people of Judah not to allow Hezekiah deceive them. Hezekiah was resolute and this made Sennecherib wonder as to who and what Hezekiah’s powerbase was. Rather than truly inquire and walk with Hezekiah’s God, Sennecherib and the leadership of his army dared to speak against God, telling the people not to believe Hezekiah and that God was incapable of saving them.

God heard every folly uttered by Sennecherib and the leadership of his supposedly unstoppable army. Unfortunately for them, God sent one angel who single handedly wiped out one hundred and eight five thousand soldiers in one night. As if that was not enough, Sennecherib was killed by his two sons in the house of his god; ironically while he was worshipping the god he boasted about, his supposedly powerbase whom he claimed gave him power to conquer the nations and was going to hand over Judah to him on a platter of gold. But unknown to Sennecherib, the leadership of his army and his numerous soldiers; Judah strength was in God the Creator and Owner of the Universe and to Whom, everything and everyone submits.

Judah then, which appeared small, weak and insignificant emerged a very strong nation; even without shooting a single arrow; without even showing up at the battlefield. Please read Isaiah Chapters 36 to 38.

Possess the Gates of Your Enemies

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha The Bible records that the siblings of Rebekah blessed her and prayed that her descendants woul...